
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
Hard fucking disagree.
I play games to play games. If the gameplay is shite I ain't playing the game.
Elaborate with a wikipedia article length of text pl0x.
I don't need to elaborate. Literally every fallout game has bad gameplay. You like fallout. You disprove your own position
I don't need to elaborate. Literally every fallout game has bad gameplay. You like fallout. You disprove your own position
I like Fallout's gameplay though. It isn't bad. Bad gameplay is when the game doesn't do what it is expected to do. If I click on a hexagon to move the character moves. If I click on an object to interact with it the character interacts with it. For the most part Fallout plays out exactly the way it is intended to play out. Bad gameplay is like in Skyrim when you hit the jump button and sometimes you just don't jump, or you jump but when you land you keep moving for like half a meter or you hit something and your character stops dead in its track. Fallout's gameplay is not amazing either but it is doing its job just fine.

I like that I can click on bodies and loot them of their stuff. I like that every NPC in the game is an entity that persistantly exists whereas in a game like GTA NPC's are interchangable and just reset every time you move out of their spawn radius. I like using skills being a manual thing where you have to use your intuition to click on objects in the gameworld that makes sense. I like that I can engage or disengage combat at will. The only thing I don't like about the gameplay is that in Fallout 1 there is no Loot All button, that moving the screen around uses the arrow keys instead of WASD and that Traps is underutilized and worthless to invest points into.
Sure, whatever you say. And the wheels are the least important part of a car.
A game that has good gameplay and nothing else is little more than a toy and will stick out in my mind when looking back about as well as playing with a slinky. Which is to say not at all.
Bad gameplay is when the game doesn't do what it is expected to do
Disagree. That's called being broken/buggy which is a separate issue entirely. Fallout 1/2s combat boils down to who has the higher tier equipment and if you make a town hostile holy fuck get ready to wait for an entire town to take their turn. 3/NV are self explanatory they literally have worse game feel than even the earliest shooters. And 4 suffers from dogshit scaling and bad mechanics. They all have mid gameplay AT BEST and yet the better ones are revered for other, more important, aspects.
Actually, I just don't care to argue this point any further. I think you're a stinky doodoo head and that you're wrong. :)
I don't discount writing in games, but I have a different experience with it maybe. My memories of games are more the gameplay and level design than the writing. There are exceptions but generally I remember the first two more. Also, I really liked New Vegas gameplay despite all of it's problems.

The exceptions when it comes to writing and storytelling tend towards table top instaed of videogames for me.

I think writing is the fallback in videogames if environmental storytelling fails (mostly, not always).

Most recent example of environmental storytelling done well is Outer Wilds. Light on writing, but with more impact and grace than voice lines or text.
Gameplay is a meme anyway good or not. When I think back to my favorite games the gameplay is the least of my concerns. Even if a game has good "game feel" or whatever we're calling it these days it's likely plays like 10 other games anyway. Memorable Atmosphere, setting, characters, and writing all push a game further than even the best gameplay could possibly hope to. Good gameplay is just the icing on top
No, you are just really, really autistic.
I'm not coping or seething you are just a jackass that cannot understand words.
It must be hard being so wrong all the time. The best thing about games is the story according to Graves so you don't need to play them. Just watch the story and listen to the music while pressing the jump button. 10 other games have the same gameplay so just ignore every story in existence also being the same derivative shit because of autism.
It must be hard being so wrong all the time. The best thing about games is the story according to Graves so you don't need to play them. Just watch the story and listen to the music while pressing the jump button. 10 other games have the same gameplay so just ignore every story in existence also being the same derivative shit because of autism.
Sillier word soup has never been spoken
Just like you feel the need to keep debating this when it is pointless.

PS I think you are more invested in being right all the time. Take care.
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Just like you feel the need to keep debating this when it is pointless.

PS I think you are more invested in being right all the time. Take care.
Toront on his way to inject "this is pointless who cares why be invested" into every conversation on the forum (hes depressed)

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I wonder what stinky doodoo head thinks about Chess then, considering it has no atmosphere, no setting, no story, no characters or writing. It is all gameplay and people love playing chess.
While I’m definitely of the opinion that gameplay is the most important part of a game, it is also true that writing is very important part of RPGs, as the gameplay of every (good) RPG can be boiled down to “complete quests”, and good writing is what makes quests engaging.