Fallout renewed for another season

Yeah I mean as someone who played Fallout 76 over an extended period of time it is still complete shit. Last time I played (when I quit) they STIL did not have a text chat functionality for their fucking social game. Let that speak for itself as to how insanely incompetent that they are.
Though Fallout 76’s launch was atrocious, Bethesda fans have brainwashed themselves into believing the game got better and is now in fact a good game. That’s the narrative I’ve seen from many Bethesda Fallout fans. There’s a pretty loyal community of Fallout 76 fans that will die on a hill for the game.
Sunk cost fallacy most likely. Doesn't change the fact that at large the game is mostly remembered as that ill-conceived game that had a bunch of controversies at launch and well over a year into its lifespan.
Last time I played (when I quit) they STIL did not have a text chat functionality for their fucking social game. Let that speak for itself as to how insanely incompetent that they are.
So... does not having a chat feature save them the gargantuan hassle of policing the player chats?
Often times a company will do something intentionally anti-consumer to avoid later expense; like having an onerous everything-on/opt-out configuration rather than deal with customer support calls for when something doesn't work because it was (wisely) switched off. It saves them money.
So... does not having a chat feature save them the gargantuan hassle of policing the player chats?
I guess but I mean you can just turn on voice chat and scream slurs at the top of your lungs.
If that's their reasoning then it just sounds so incompetently lazy to me.
So... does not having a chat feature save them the gargantuan hassle of policing the player chats?
Yes that seems to be the approach/excuse. On PC there is a mod for it of course and it's probably more functional with more features than Bethesda could implement without making new exploits pop up somehow lmao.
The two punch combo of Fallout 76 and Starfield seems to have damaged their reputation quite severely. Fallout 76 was an unmitigated disaster, focusing on multiplayer for some reason, made by a company that made exclusively single player games. Then Starfield was a boring, souless game that couldn't even please a large chunk of their fanbase that actually likes their gameplay loop.
Yeah it probably has but what I'm getting at it is that as long as the cost of reputation is proportionally in a good spot to the profit/revenue brought in then they won't care. You can see it in many series. They do solid work or play it safe early on but once it's a big title with a larger fanbase, they'll start to milk it. Even if some of them die in the process, you made a good chunk of change on the way out. Then you can re-release the original that had none of the bullshit a decade later for minimal development time and probably half the revenue for a quick cash in. I don't know why but I think of Dead Space when I think of this. The singleplayer even had pay to win features from what I heard but I'm sure all the fans of the trilogy bought the remaster/remake/whatever it was.
I look forward to the totally 100% organic not bought and paid for reviewers saying nice things about it again Oh my God that was the most astroturf campaign on the face of the planet everyone who gave this show good reviews deserves to be beaten with sticks.

I don't even think anybody's even talking about the show anymore that's how irrelevant it was do you know how big of a thing Game of Thrones was you couldn't go anywhere without people talking about Game of Thrones fallout TV show not so much
Fallout released its whole season 1 at once right? So people could just watch it in a few days and once that passes and a month or two later, no one is going to talk about it in the world of mass media and constant drip feed.

GoT was aired like a regular TV show (from what I remember, maybe that changed as time went on) that people had to tune in once a week to get what happens next until the season runs its course. Remaining in the zeitgeist is easier to do when you're always around and making people wait. And it also disappointed people towards the end and quickly went from a current day mini-obsession to a bitter aftertaste that I hardly hear of anymore.

Media isn't like it used to be. Video games were designed with the thought you might not buy 10 more next month for 50 cents so it's okay if you have to restart or get stuck trying to figure something out. That was entertaining and led to good stories. Now it's frustrating because you want to be done and move on to your infinitely growing backlog of 10 year old games you always wanted to try but never got to play. TV is now streamed to you and often the whole season is able to be watched on demand rather than dripfeeding you the show and saying "Come back next Thursday." More and more movies skip the theater.
Music used to sell albums, then it sold albums and singles through digital means, now it's all streaming. I'd imagine that at this point, making music isn't the way to make decent money to most (or all) major artists. It's tour revenue, merchandising, maybe brand deals, promotions, etc. that make you far more money and the music is how you get people to like you enough to have that sort of leverage.
Books aren't always on paper, sometimes they're on tablets. Having physical books now likely means you're either getting called boomer by the youngins or you're really a fan of whatever you bought. I'm sure many kids still like paper books and this is hyperbolic but the industry of making and selling media has changed a lot.

Whatever quality the Fallout's TV show is doesn't really matter when it comes to how we think of media and interact with it now. For better or worse (probably worse).
I'm glad to show exists because it's going to destroy the Fallout franchise and then everyone at Bethesda Studios will be unemployed
hopefully Microsoft shuts all of the studios down and someone else acquires the IP rather than this God awful company that's been running into the ground for the better part of a decade
I'm glad to show exists because it's going to destroy the Fallout franchise and then everyone at Bethesda Studios will be unemployed
hopefully Microsoft shuts all of the studios down and someone else acquires the IP rather than this God awful company that's been running into the ground for the better part of a decade
Yes, a super-popular TV adaption is pretty much guaranteed to kill the franchise that spawned it. Happens every time.
I don't really care, Fallout as a game franchise has been dead to me for a while.
I did enjoy the first season of the show very much so whatever. It's certainly better entertainment than any of the 3D games. And yes, that's including New Vegas. Fuck New Vegas, it fucking sucks. It's a polished turd. They took the steaming pile of grey garbage that was Fallout 3 and made the valiant effort to turn it into something somewhat more presentable but it's still a shitty fucking clunky mess of a game that looks like absolute ass and is no fun to play. "Oh no, this show is ruining New Vegas for me" fuck you you fucking baby. New Vegas ruined New Vegas for you. Because it's shit. "People like this thing that I don't like, all these reviews are obviously bought" fuck you, but no. Fucking idiots. If you don't like the show how about don't fucking watch it. It's not that fucking hard and it's not that fucking important and nobody fucking cares.

I'mma retreat back to tO and close the vault door behind me because I just can't with this whiny fucking bullshit.
I don't really care, Fallout as a game franchise has been dead to me for a while.
I did enjoy the first season of the show very much so whatever. It's certainly better entertainment than any of the 3D games. And yes, that's including New Vegas. Fuck New Vegas, it fucking sucks. It's a polished turd. They took the steaming pile of grey garbage that was Fallout 3 and made the valiant effort to turn it into something somewhat more presentable but it's still a shitty fucking clunky mess of a game that looks like absolute ass and is no fun to play. "Oh no, this show is ruining New Vegas for me" fuck you you fucking baby. New Vegas ruined New Vegas for you. Because it's shit. "People like this thing that I don't like, all these reviews are obviously bought" fuck you, but no. Fucking idiots. If you don't like the show how about don't fucking watch it. It's not that fucking hard and it's not that fucking important and nobody fucking cares.

I'mma retreat back to tO and close the vault door behind me because I just can't with this whiny fucking bullshit.
Someone had a moment!
But wouldn't it be wonderful if it did?