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  • For those who still don't know, UnderRail is now on Humble Bundle and you only need to pay more than $6.39 to acquire it.
    The hot weather finally arrived, I can go back to wish for a nuclear winter again.
    Where I live you either got swamp nuts or the air hurts your face. There's a brief period in the fall where its actually a pleasant temperature tho'.
    The Age of Decadence is 75% off on Steam right now, perhaps it's a good time for those who still haven't bought it to get in.
    Too many games this month. Plus I'm fighting the urge to buy a Switch.
    So Capcom finally decide to put Marvel vs Capcom 3 on Steam, wish it will be a decent PC port.
    Just play the new one when it comes out. I like UMvC3 but I sucked online.
    Betrayer looks like a nice exploration based game, the demo is quite enjoyable to play.
    So the name of the ghoul kid in a fridge is Billy? i found it become more insulting than it used to be now...
    "This message is awaiting moderator approval", i joined RPG codex at Nov 26, 2016, and this message still there, bloody hell.
    That doesn't exactly redeem their reputation as elitists...
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Is the said message also from Nov 26? Perhaps you should post more often, to 'catch' mods attention that you had posts awaiting their approval. Maybe you're also participating on a thread that's receiving reply rapidly, your post gets drowned by other posts. That, or the mods are lazy right now.
    I wonder how many old members of NMA will come back for the upcoming Noob/Orderites battle.
    no one. they aren't logging in at all or visiting the forum, so telling them to come check it out on the forum itself is a futile exercise in navel-gazing and nostalgia
    But they are mostly members of the Order on Steam and on a lot of your friends lists I wager.
    NMA users will not come back though since they don't care about tO.
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