Recent content by Bengt

  1. B

    Forsaken Fortress, post-apoc survival RPG Kickstarter

    My thoughts went to what Soldiers of Anarchy could have been. They seem to be very generous with the rewards though, or is that just me? Perhaps it's more of a PR campaign than an actual fund-raiser. But then... aren't they all? :D
  2. B

    The Age of Decadence third beta released

    They're doing public betas? :| Seems like an odd move if they're trying to make money. This might be one of them "you must be this tall to ride" type of situations. AoD is definitely not for everyone, judging by the kind of games get sold today.
  3. B

    Kotaku on sex in Fallout: New Vegas

    Because this was posted by the good chaps over on RPS maybe. I was fairly young myself when playing through FO2, and remember having a similar coming-of-age experience when running into Miria. But I'm straight, and a dude... so maybe we shouldn't read too much into the design of these...
  4. B

    Science consultancy firm Thwacke working on Wasteland 2

    Calm down. They are not hired to write the script, but to advice on how shit works. Just like grammar! These are the rules we follow, but the message we are conveying has nothing to do with the ruleset. :)
  5. B

    Nuclear Union gameplay details

    So where is Bethsofts lawyers now? I mean... Elder Scrolls vs. Scrolls? This is way more obvious.
  6. B

    IGN's Top 100 RPG list is Pretty Stupid

    Tbh though, I'd take FO3 over any JRPG any day. Good thing WL2 is on the way and Obsidians little project seems to be going well. Yay western RPG comeback! (Where is the cover for Obsidians Kickstarter effort btw?)
  7. B

    Brian Fargo Unite 2012 Speech, Wasteland 2 Footage

    I fucking hate video players without volume sliders.
  8. B

    Novelist Patrick E. McLean joins Wasteland 2 team

    Did I go all Bruce Campbell and fall asleep in a cave for 20 years or was he really hired for Wasteland 20? :P
  9. B

    Nuclear Union interview

    I haven't really been "keepin score" with this either... but I do know that I enjoyed the Men of War games, despite the done-to-death WWII setting. Granted, there wasn't really a lot of gameplay (Go there, kill some mans, do it again), but what was there was pretty fucking awesomely executed.
  10. B

    Nuclear Union: Yet Another Post-Apocalyptic RPG

    RPS has an interviewwith the studio up. Just thought I'd let y'all know.
  11. B

    Free Steam Krater Keys (first come first serve)

    Fatshark just gained some prestige in my eyes. Didn't really expect them to be this cuddly with NMA. I've sort of watched Krater from afar since I heard of it. I love the fact that they dare make a PA game set in an 80-ish inspired Sweden, but the final product looks too... TF2... to really...
  12. B

    The Last of Us E3 Gameplay Footage

    Scripted to bits for sure, but then, was it ever going to be anything else? It's not like it's a sequel to a beloved RPG franchise or something. To be honest, if there is one game that makes me want to buy a PS3, it'd be this one.
  13. B

    EA Origin gets Kickstarter projects, Wasteland 2 is first

    Looks like they need to improve their chat bots. :D OT: As long as it's not Origin only like that one other game I'd have otherwise wanted to play, I don't really give a shit. Oh, and they've began collecting shipping information through the kickstarter page btw. I haven't seen anything...
  14. B

    Fallout: Tactics Redux Mod released

    Apparently so, though I cannot honestly say I noticed them or was all that fussed about it when I played it way back. It does tempt to try this out. But juggling three CDs only to get to [spoiler:068b6ae4fd]that damn mountain full of lolrobots..? [/spoiler:068b6ae4fd] Nah, can't be arsed...
  15. B

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 cancellation tidbits

    I had a strange feeling of deja vu when I read this newspost, could have sworn I saw the same headline all over a month or so ago. Oh well, I never really understood Stalker anyways. As for Beth grabbing it, no surprise really. Probably all about keeping theirs the only post-apo fps on the...