Free Steam Krater Keys (first come first serve)

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
With thanks to Fatshark, No Mutants Allowed has a bunch of keys for the post-apocalyptic action-RPG Krater to hand out to our loyal readers. Check out the website or Steam page. Our facebook page and twitter feed followers got first pick, but here's ten more keys. Hurry up and grab one, and share in the comments when you did, and your impressions when you try out the game.<blockquote>KLY6W-A7CJ2-6KDF0

Just signed up to say that I got the fourth key. It's very much appreciated! Sorry if it was only intended for forum members.
dinopoke said:
Sorry if it was only intended for forum members.

You have no choice but to stick around now. So, post-apocalyptic RPGs, eh? Aren't they wacky?
Yeah, my steam was starting up so slowly, it fucked shit up. Now another reason to hate on Valve!
You should avoid doing that in the future again. Those really fast sometimes grab more than one key and if you ever do it again it's likely the same people will again get keys.

It'd be better to wait two days and everyone replying here has a random chance of getting one.
Kull said:
You should avoid doing that in the future again. Those really fast sometimes grab more than one key and if you ever do it again it's likely the same people will again get keys.

It'd be better to wait two days and everyone replying here has a random chance of getting one.

I agree.
But you have to activate the key on steam to "grab it" and you can only activate one key. Switching the account takes quite some time, so that is unlikely to happen.
Fatshark just gained some prestige in my eyes. Didn't really expect them to be this cuddly with NMA.

I've sort of watched Krater from afar since I heard of it. I love the fact that they dare make a PA game set in an 80-ish inspired Sweden, but the final product looks too... TF2... to really be of any interest.

I really love the music and setting though. Not to mention the story of how it sort of came to be.
Wondering if anyone who has played this game has any feedback on it.

Like the last poster, I like the setting and look of the game but I'm not sure that I would enjoy the gameplay.

From what I've seen, it looks like it plays alot like the typical hack n slash dungeon crawler, with melee combat and "spells" being dominant despite the futuristic setting. Not that I've never enjoyed a game like that, just thinking that if I were going to spend my time on that genre, why not go with Diablo III....
I haven't played enough of it to get a good grip of the mechanics. It has a lot of interesting ideas, but from what I've heard (from people and websites that I've no reason not to trust on that, like sea's GameBanshee review and Rock, Paper, Shotgun's piece on it) Fatshark didn't do a good job executing on it. I'd recommend reading at least those two and pondering whether the problems pointed out would turn you off or not.
I was intrigued at first, by the visual style, the setting and the sound design.
It is very appealing from the artistic point of view.

But like mentioned before, it's getting repetitive quiet fast. The rpg aspect is very low.
The idea of affecting your attributes with implants, instead of assigning skill points
sounds like a nice idea, but it doesn't really feel that meaningful in the end.

Like sea mentioned, after a good 60minutes in, I encountered a dungeon that
went down for 5 levels, and I thought myself, this is a never ending grind. Hoping
that there will be no deeper dungeons, just to find out on the forums, that you can
find regular dungeons far deeper. The thought alone let me shudder.

The popcultural references are quiet fun. Reaching from 90s dancefloor to firefly.
That said, it's a charming game, I'm often feeling a call to start it up again.
But I'm always awaiting to get more out if it, then I actually do. I really
want to like it. The parts just don't seem to create a harmonic whole.

Another possible conclusion I had was, that I'm just not the target audience,
next to getting a grumpy old gamer that's trying to not get elitist in his views.
Is it just me or was the only person that got a key and post about it not even a forum member? lol I'll keep checking in occasionally for updates but don't predict allot :)
Haha, yeah. This one was more for our general readers. Next time we'll make it more for forum users.

Both matter, though!