Black Angel
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  • Just finished Fallout 1 speedrun (took 37 days) with Fixt. The narration kind of messed, though :/
    It's like trying to talk with someone who can't accept they are wrong yet don't want to continue arguing either. Jeez.
    I really need to stop 'trying' to engage a Bethesda apologist in a 'meaningful' conversation, especially on YouTube.
    It never works. I've been roped into those conversations too often and in the end, it doesn't even matter.
    I really need to stop looking at YouTube comments, let alone engaging them especially when they refuse to see it other way.
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    Reactions: eissa
    I just stopped trying, I can now recognise those that there is no point in trying to discuss things because they are just blind and no matter what you do or say or prove, they will never accept it, even if it is true.
    I just ignore those now and move on.
    every youtube comment is not a good place to have meaningful conversation. there is no rule, no mods to govern it
    Waaaay too much (dumb) stuff revealed in BE3. Too much stuff to talk about, can't...keep....up....
    Way too many games for me right now. Just downloaded Wasteland 2 on Steam's Free Weekend. Gonna try that before continuing Arcanum.
    Just finished Fallout 2 with Restoration Project, managed to get all of the best ending. Excellent work, Black Isle and Killap :D
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