Black Angel
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  • Shitty internet connection is preventing me from downloading Fallout of Nevada... FUCK! Of all the possible time!
    Ah..... what a beautiful duwang.
    i've never been a weeabo so dunno what you're talking about :P
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @eissa some manga/anime had pretty good story, art direction and design, and a couple of anime had pretty good animation too, way too good to miss out. You should try them sometime. I can give you some recommendation if you're interested.
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    Reactions: eissa
    Sure :P PM me of your recommendation then
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @eissa pardon, my Arabic sucks and Google Translate isn't help, so.... *what is it gesture in Dark Souls*

    @Arnust NMA going down again
    @Black Angel Nay, if you do not want to come,
    I shall come to you,

    hey, Age of decadence is quite brutal; the only game where i get killed in tutorial.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @eissa I'm not sure what to say about that....

    Well, just like in Dark Souls, being a new player that's new to the system, that's guaranteed. I haven't the luxury to play AoD, but I'm now a bit more familiar with the system thanks to Dungeon Rats. Of course, I'm waiting for the DR's superior combat system to be retro-fitted to AoD before actually playing it huehue
    Are you the user over at RPG Codex with the same username and black cat picture?
    Good to have you back, are you still going to the Codex regularly?
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @eissa considering the last time I state my doubts and concern about some other game.... never again :P

    @MercenarySnake yes, I do. Hell, maybe even way too frequent for my own good. Discovering such a niche but somehow pretty vast community this late.... so many things to be found, so many things to try based on their recommendation.
    Same here, I laugh every time a post gets a good amount of prosper or shit ratings. The Codexian trolls are great too.
    I don't understand, why did people get pissed off at NMS's procedurally generated content?
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Bethesda's been doing it since Oblivion and they sell millions so hot. Why can't other developers?
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon

    Jokes aside, it's not that, it's the fact that it's a buggy, broken mess.

    sEAn lied. /s
    because this game generate hype higher than even fallout 4.

    ever since 2013
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @Vergil is that Latin? My Latin sucks, so sometimes I referred myself as "Nigrum Angelum".

    If I have to be honest, the name "Black Angel" crossed my mind when I read up on Angron, the Primarch of the World Eaters who is now the Daemon Prince of Khorne, was also referred to as the "Red Angel" when he's still loyal to the Emperor. I don't know, man, it stuck on me since that day.
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    It's Italian so about as close to Latin as you can get without it actually being Latin lol.
    lol, i thought vergil came from Roman poet from Augustan Period.

    especially since your Avatar suggest that
    Congrats Fallout 1.5 for reenacting that feel after finishing Fallout 1. "I'll Never Smile Again" fits so well with the tone and the story.
    The amount of dislikes on 'Fallout 3 is garbage....' video just prove who's blinded by nostalgia, lol
    probably a lots of people that just recently came for new fallout. not some people were know the exact situation. best we could do is spread the truth and educate them
    *Looking at recommended YouTube videos* "Obsidian open to being purchased - Will Bethesda do it? *by MrMatty* Fuck off.
    Looking back, one of the major disappointment I have with F2 and FNV is the fact they didn't manage to.....
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    ...return that feeling of watching your character walking away from the screen. What I mean by that is, basically, I didn't get that bittersweet and heart-touching ending Fallout 1 manage to invoke in me when I've finished it for the very first time.
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    Make an urban area to get lost in. [FNV]
    Yeah the Fallout 1 ending is really melancholic, especially if you end it defeating the Master with dialogue. You literally go from the Master saying, "Leave now while you still have hope" to returning to Vault 13 to be told to leave forever. I'm not sure many games have matched the despondency of that ending, let alone 2 and New Vegas.
    No wonder developers/publishers these days get away so easily with cutting content and sell it as DLCs later.
    It confuse me when people say things like, "They have planned the DLC before the game is released." with a poker face.
    On Steam Discussion, people begin to accuse one another of merely having Fallout 4 on their library (!). Surely it won't get any worse?
    Holy shit I need to hold myself. As words of Autumn Leaves getting plagiarized spread, Bethdrones is coming out of their holes and caves.
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