Black Angel
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  • Just discovered Mount&Blade these days, and holy shit I'm addicted to it.
    Macarons are so hard to make, and then they stick to the tray/parchment paper....
    They need some special conditions. I can only assume it is as hot and humid at your place as it is where I live at the moment, which is England. And right now you can't make macarons here. You need professional grade kitchen air circulation, otherwise they will absorb too much water due to high sugar content when drying out before baking. And I also assume you dry them out before baking?...
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    I know. I live in Indonesia, specifically Jakarta which were well-known to be quite a hot bitch most of the time, but luckily it's relatively colder these days despite being in the middle of dry season. I also know we need to keep overall condition cooler than room temperature before and after baking
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    And yeah, I dry them out before baking, I tap the try few times before putting it into the oven and let them sit from between 30 minutes-1 hour. Since it's my first time making it by myself, there are several factors I want to consider. Mainly the eggs white, and probably because I didn't properly whisk them until I get soft peak consistency.
    Apparently, purple screen of death is a thing in New Vegas, that happens when you're a retard who forgot to turn archives management back on
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Either LOD generation wasn't done properly, which could be attributed to the fact that I'm currently playing on crappy computer, or perhaps I'm not installing the LOD files properly.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Also, I'm just starting to generating bash tags for non-vanilla plugins that needs to be merged using bashed patch. However, I'm getting messages saying "[1" is not a valid integer value. Anybody know if there's something I probably done wrong to make this happen?
    That's the game not loading the actual object and keeping the LOD model. If you used FNVLODGen then that would (most likely) be the problem.
    I am not familiar with the options in it and I never used it before, but I heard good things about it, so I have no idea why it would do that.
    In less than a year, the modding scene changed so damn much. Anybody knows if Mod Organizer 2 works with New Vegas?
    I kind of wonder... since we now have Fallout of Nevada where they make New Reno significantly different than that of Fallout 2...
    New Reno can also be explained by the fact that Fallout of Nevada is set long before the events of Fallout 2, and that the families in power of New Reno change over time. For example FO2 implies the Mordinos are relatively new players, and FONV mentions how the Mordinos and Salvatores were replaced by the Van Graffs.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    If I'm not mistaken, the newer version of FON was made after the release of New Vegas. I think it's why we have the Kings in there, and despite of a section called the Clean City, the mod deliberately doesn't mention anything about Mr House or Lucky 38, obviously because he's still hibernating.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    I also heard there's an actual Securitron in the game, dunno how legit that is as I haven't encountered one so far.
    As for the Mordinos, there's actually a Mordino in FON, but at this point he's actually much more neutral compared to the other factions in the city.
    Pardon me, but I'm just gonna shill Fallout 1.5 and Fallout of Nevada every single opportunity where I can *tips fedora*
    Fallout of Nevada, despite of rough and unedited translation, is totally playable, like, right now.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    So, why are you guys not talking about it and, instead, talking about Fallout: RUST/Borderlands/Fortnite Edition?
    Because fallout: rust is official and more popular right now.
    I just can't decide between what kind of game I wanna play right now. Bouncing back and forth between Baldur's Gate and New Vegas.... ugh
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @Arnust D:OS2 is on my wishlist, together with D:OS1. I prefer playing on chronological order, though, so I'm most likely go for D:OS1 first.

    Also, no it's not Bethesda formula. It's just, I'm kinda burnt out on top-down isometric games now. Wanted to vent off the burn by playing completely different games, so yeah I think I'm going for New Vegas first.
    Deleted member 93956
    Well, Dos2 is set 1200 years later after Dos1 haha.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @Arnust I already know that by making the settings take over a millennium apart, then it's safe to play D:OS2 without bothering D:OS1. However, I wanted to play on a chronological order to see how the first one really fares in gameplay and others, so I can get the feel of what can be improved and what need to be get rid of and etc etc
    Lol game 'critics' getting super salty at Dunkey's newest video
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    And also like Cerberus mentioned above me, he gave Persona 5 an exception. He's also a sort of Nintendo fanboy.
    Like I said, his opinion has become effectively invisible to me.
    Deleted member 93956
    DayoScript has a pretty good video on game journalism and why it's like that, as the previous journo that he was. But those salty guys, I don't even know what are they on about.
    It's so FUN(!) to play Tales of Maj'eyal, only to die suffocating from drowning in lakes or quicksand.
    For some reason, Age of Decadence character creation music reminds me of Sierra Madre Villa's ambient music.
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