Black Angel
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  • Holy shit ain't apologist the worst among Bethesda's fans? Writings and ideas aren't part of the GECK, people, so stop mentioning the EULA.
    How the fuck did Bethesda managed to brainwash the masses to the point that criticism = hate? Fuck those guys.
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    Reactions: R.Graves
    It's the fanboys. And it's not just with Bethesda. Believe it or not, there are worse apologists on the internet when it comes to games.
    Well, at least no Bethesda apologist and/or newcomer starting an already-discussed-to-death topic.
    Fucking hell, seems like the guy didn't even pay attention to what MrBtongue said in the video.
    Those are the same kind of guy who would say games can't be good if it doesn't have action, real-time, and first-person.
    Basically the guy said that it was the violence and action that made the show not boring for him.
    Caravan was actually kind of fun. If you guys find Caravan boring but liked Gwent, I probably gonna love Gwent.
    I never really tried Caravan, mostly because of bad first impressions, where you get this crash-to-desktop by buying two identical cards from a vendor (or something like that), I just stayed away from it. But yes, I found Gwent very entertaining
    Upgrading to Windows 10. Yay or Nay?
    I use Windows 10, it's got some okay stuff on it. It feels like a Windows 7.2, honestly.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @kraag yeah, I saw Tek Syndicate's video on how to preserve our privacy in Windows 10, and it's kind of tedious and long especially when we want to block many IPs.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @NotAcasul my bro also use Windows 10, but he was using it from a new laptop that had it since he bought it, and he's not having much problem. OTOH, there's this friend of mine who upgraded from Windows 7 and he's got quite a lot of problem frequently, pushing him to dual boot his rig so in case of problem he just switch to Windows 7. This made me unsure to get it now or just wait last second, or not at all.
    It's bugging me to the point of burdening my CPU with update files. I'm not sure how it works, but...
    Lots of salt in the 'Fallout 3 is garbage' video. Probably didn't even watch the entire video.
    A title like that would have triggered so many subnormal Bethesdrones. Some of them have even taken to the comments.
    Aiming for Dishonored GOTY edition this Steam Summer Sale. Yay or Nay?
    Yay (or was it yea?). It's pretty good. Not a perfect stealth game but it makes up for it by being fun and having an interesting world.
    "FNV is too short." YouTube, YouTube never changes.
    Are you still getting into comment flamewars on youtube? If you are, send me some screenshots please, I love comment flamewars
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Nah, I'm not getting into one, just taking a peek. No flamewars yet, but only some occasional comments like the one I gave above. I found it on the "Fallout 3 is Garbage, here's why" video if you want to see it.
    Probably stems from the kids rushing through the game and trading it in once they finish it, never once thinking of replayability.
    I'm surprised the Best Gamers's PC review for Fallout 4 was actually received well by the internet. The comment is full of healthy /s too :O
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