Recent content by BurntAluminum

  1. B

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Weird colors are caused from hanging on the load screen for too long, if you get them, just Alt+Tab(Minimize) and go back into the game and your colors will be fixed. Whether this is compatible with 1.00 is unknown to me.
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    It's certainly my guess that the magnum is the culprit, as when I take the SMG instead I crash less, the magnum was always a cool gun to play around with because with the right high level build you could get it to only cost 2 AP(As far as I know at least, you might be able to lower it to 1...
  3. B

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    I'm sure this has been mentioned before but it's pretty important considering it has to do with one of the games better starting weapons. After obtaining a magnum and aiming with it, the game will often crash, this may have to do with the fact that the magnum only takes 4 AP to fire without...
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    Detroit 2301

    [Mountains near Vault 222] The man quickly dropped his gear and kicked it away the rocket launcher remaining, revealing an amazingly light yet muscular build, without all the flamer gear, realizing how many hits he aimed at his gear, he lifted the launcher over his shoulder, fingers on the...
  5. B

    A major worry that I have about New Vegas

    Well if I remember way back when everyone was denying the obvious, that Vegas would be 'New Reno 2', well I had that in mind when I read about New Vegas in a game rag, and that's exactly it. I have no problem with the New Reno 2 aspect, and yes I can bet you money that we're not the target...
  6. B

    Vote for your top 5 changes from fallout 3 to new vegas

    No particular order. 1. I honestly held great distaste for walking physically from point to point in fallout 3. (unless you've already visited every town, and hold an unnaturally high carry weight) This is simply filler trying to extend time spent in order to complete the game, luckilly...
  7. B

    Mad Nation Part 6

    I generally use blank guns because it's easier to get permission to fire them on someone elses property. It would probably be a good Idea to invest in a real shotgun as well, as it's possible to convert shells to blanks, or just buy them as blanks, though I don't know of a website that sells...
  8. B

    Mad Nation Part 6

    Is the shotgun used in this movie Blank only, if so where did you obtain it? The internet seems to mostly yield guns from the 1800's and WWII along with a fair amount of modern pistols in blank only. I've only seen one Blank only shotgun on the net and it is more fit to an 1800's theme, whilst...
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    Detroit 2301

    The Jamaican limped back a bit hit by several bullets, out of view another burst of flames fluttered above their heads, then the sound of the slide on a pistol being pulled back, the quick shots had not gotten the intended result, but they did hit the armor clad Wastelander. Moments later they...
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    Detroit 2301

    [Maxim's Saloon, Deucetown] "Well, there's always need for miners, but y'know these caves have just about everything crawling out of the cracks of those rocks. Scorps, Deathclaws, Raiders... So Y'know... Y'need to be able to handle whatever those caves throw at you" Joe said taking a drag...
  11. B

    What we'd like to see in New Vegas?

    Cats are(or nearly are) Extinct in the fallout universe, because they're easy prey and thus easy food. I'm sure you remember that story you get EXP to hear at moms diner where the woman tells you about such a rare animal. I wouldn't label the cat eaters as bad guys, rather just really desperate...
  12. B

    Detroit 2301

    "Money eh? There's plenty of things to do in Deuce, We always need Miners, Factory workers, Mechanics and such, Me and Hammer been workin' on a farm on the outskirts, there ain't much demand for that here, other than skinning the brahmin, but we get by" Joe said drawing a small cigarette pack...
  13. B

    Detroit 2301 Chain Gang Fanfic

    Chapter 2 The Run Theo ran through the halls without the weight of the shackles he had left guards in the dust with his new found stamina, His feet dancing along the floors of the prison as he finally hit a dead end, a metal door with a sturdy lock. Behind him Slavers approached, he turned...
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    Detroit 2301 Chain Gang Fanfic

    I sadly let an RP die, due to slaving away at work, I'm deciding to post this story taken from one of the RP's possible factions. Chapter 1: The Escape Several Sweaty men stood in Blue Jumpsuits with keyholes on the front of the neck and the text 'Property Of 187' however these men did not...
  15. B

    Any chance for Van Buren? Ever?

    Hmm, is that map really all that accurate to depict any relation to anything other than fallout 2 & 3? since it seems to claim fallout 1 took place in oregon, The Vault dweller migrated north, not south. However there is a fairly accurate map in NMA Gallery. No offense to anyone intended.