Vote for your top 5 changes from fallout 3 to new vegas

1. A lot harder game, F3 was easy as S*** I have started F2 over and over again started like 4 times and 4 times I played each save for several month and still haven't completed the game
2. Cut the diablo crap ... what my armor is giving me 15 energy weapons ???? how can an armor make me a better shooter or how can my armor reduce my CHA (decrease my natural charisma) damn
3. Make it in a way that when I am actually having a video dialogue to feel happy and to sth of worth F2 who was happy when they talked to the drill sergeant, he made you feel like a damn worm in bootcamp and you were still happy that you talked to him or marcus.
4. Traits - the lack of traits in F3 really pissed me off it's
5. Turn based game no some vats that actually make the game semi-turn based , and if it's going to be turn based 3rd person is not the best angle maybe isometrick :mrgreen:

There are a couple of things that i wanted to add but didn't cuz after all it's top 5, but isn't a true fallout game that we all want ?
Maybe besides that Todd Howard fan, the wants to play just A game, the majority want to play A fallout game and almost everybody before me said sth that was not present in fallout3, sth that made previous games of fallout - fallout a bunch of things that everybody see in previous Fallout games and when this bunch of thing is compiled you get fallout.
I dont even want New Vegas to have anything in common with F3, which is inevitable, unfortunately. I guess nobody wants to play counter strike after it said Fallout when they double clicked the icon.
1. Choices that matter, on both story and character creation. In Fallout 3, character build only basically picks witch skills develop to god like level first and witch ones later. Only quests that actually have consequences are basically blowing up megaton and possibly letting ghouls to tower.

2. Some realism on economy, probably only settlements in F3 that have some sort of explanation on how they live are slavers and Canterbury Commons.

3. Less guns and armor, ability customize those.

4. No kids, at least player should have ability to kill 'em if they get too annoying.

5. Assume players to have brains and ability to use that gray mass between ears. No dialogue option should have underlined perk, skill or ability that certain dialogue option uses.

6. Quests should have multiple ways to solve in most cases, not just do you kill bad guys in sneaky fashion or with frontal assault with minigun and power armor.

6. Reputation system that is actually logical and has consequences on more than local level. If you piss off faction X in settlement A, their allies (faction Y) settlement B would become bit more than just irritated, on the other hand... faction Z, that would be enemies of faction Y, could possibly like the fact that pissed of allies of their enemies. No telepathic and instant reputation effects, it takes a while for news to get from place A to place B. It's also impossible to know who did the crime if there is no witnesses or other evidence, kill everyone in settlement without leaving either of those, no one should know in next town that you did it, but if leave evidence, after while everyone should know about massacre and who did it. (Actually that one is more improvement over original two games as reputation was mostly moot point in part 3 due to lack of meaningful choices. Black Isle had quite flawed and illogical features in other games too, you know like guys in full plate armor coming out desk drawers shouting "I serve the burning mitten".)

7. Have other difficulty levels in game than easy, ridiculously easy and wimpy.

I probably have less negative opinion on FO3 than most folks here. Personally I think couple things were better on FO3 than in original games, first one is more character driven story, second improvement in my opinion is fact that power armors weren't that necessary item and third one was ability to build and repair stuff. Besides those there was plenty of stuff that are just related to ten years of tech development and better budget. Fallout 3 lacked most important feature that makes two original FO's stand out of rest of computer RPG's, ability to actually make choices and see consequences of those. There is no shades of gray in FO3.
Enclave Patrol said:
I probably have less negative opinion on FO3 than most folks here. Personally I think couple things were better on FO3 than in original games, first one is more character driven story.

There was? What FO3 did you play?
Oerjeke said:
Probably Van Buren. No idea how he got his hands on that, but I'm jealous.

Gentlemen, it is confirmed, travel between parallel universes is not only possible, travelers are amongst us.

He must be from the universe in which Brian Fargo is a business genius, Interplay has bought up Electronic Arts and Microsoft, and Herve Caen is a janitor working in the Eiffel Tower.
Enclave patrol there is some truth in what you are saying, but still it's less that what points to the fact that you don't really understand the spirit of fallout.
Oerjeke said:
Probably Van Buren. No idea how he got his hands on that, but I'm jealous.

I wish it would be possible.

The Dutch Ghost said:
Gentlemen, it is confirmed, travel between parallel universes is not only possible, travelers are amongst us.

He must be from the universe in which Brian Fargo is a business genius, Interplay has bought up Electronic Arts and Microsoft, and Herve Caen is a janitor working in the Eiffel Tower.


God, I wish that was true.

Jax Sparrow said:
Enclave patrol there is some truth in what you are saying, but still it's less that what points to the fact that you don't really understand the spirit of fallout.

What exactly is spirit of Fallout? I think that highly subjective. Personally I think that Fallout is mostly about causality, moral ambivalence and plenty of popular culture references.

This is quite arbitrary and pretty rough statement, if Fallouts would be cut on about 40 pieces, originals would do better on about 30 those and part 3 on 10. Of those things that were better on FO 3, probably 5 are just due to technical advances and better funding, think I mentioned rest. That better funding is what caused worst flaws of FO 3, lack of choices and FO 3 ending up as way too politically correct. Original games are as good as they are mostly due to freedom of choice they had. Dialogue was almost pipe runs on third game, everything on dialogue was pretty much underlined on what is correct and way too obvious. There was basically on one choice in whole game, are you good or evil. Original games let player play at least somewhat evil character or something in between absolutes. FO 3 is too much FPS and not enough role playing game.

Character driven story part wasn't about story itself, but about story telling methods. Popular culture doesn't exist in vacuum, not even Fallout or actually especially Fallout. Okay, original Fallouts could probably exist in vacuum under mushroom cloud. Fallout 3 used plenty of quite nice gags to create immersion, introduction part was pretty nice. Probably best fitting in spirit of Fallout in third one probably were stuff on computers of corporate offices, like memos of LOB about expected visit from law enforcement. There is plenty of stupidity on original games, like real life weapons like G11 that are described as still modern about 100 years in after they were made. They have flaws, but flaws is often what makes stuff human.
If one assumes F3 ended at the moment one leaves the Vault, then yes, it was a great game indeed.
It's true that what I said is quite subjective, as everybody knows fallout consists of a bunch of small things put together I am not gonna list let's just say they are 100 ( I am aware that they are probably not a hundred) I would say that old fallouts contain round 80-90 of those jigsaws, and those 10-20 pieces are just things that could be improved, I know the old fallouts weren't perfect and they had loads of bugs, I can't give you a legit reason, but for me those bugs are just another jigsaw out of fallout's big puzzle.

I believe F3 has 35-40 of those puzzle pieces, being somewhat generous. I've actually played the game and you could say I have completed it, the game by itself is ok bordering with good, but as a fallout game I think it kind-of sucks.

As long as New Vegas is made under the same supervision as F3 the game would most probably be the same for my regret.
Here are my suggestions:

1. More reputation options, here is the situation: You just managed to finish a quest where you raided a village for some slavers, instead of the slavers and the villagers shrugging it off like they do in F3, your rep should plummet in the village and rise in the slave camp, and rep should affect prices in shops, or even wether the shop will even sell to you, likewise with doctors and barmaids.

2. I'm hoping I won't get shouted at for this: I think it would be good if the factions you joined you get independent sub-quests given to you by them, and promoted as you go like in....Elder Scrolls, also what factions you are in should affect reputation, and the above.

3. More effect on the civilisation, because on Fallout 3 when I trecked for ages I would come across civilazations with large population, even though the wasteland is apperently so barren, but i'm hoping in New Vegas because of the hoover dam and there solar farms, i'm hoping for more succesful townships and citizens.

4. More dialogue options, pretty obvious no need for explanation.

5. I also think characters should be given more personality and actual schedules, in F3 I remember Walter, apperently Megatons' water station supervisor, with his schedule of Work, Smoke, Work, Saloon, Smoke, Work, Sleep repeat. I think the characters should be given more depth, say in the case of a New California Ranger, he would start the day in the Mess Hall, then go out for patrol and talk to his chums, and so on, if they do that, I think I would never get off the game.

What's your thoughts? (By the way sorry, I was extremely hyper when I done this, so I typed fast sorry for no spell check!)
1: less focus on wasteland, more focus on the civilization that has sprung up since then. Not that I didn't enjoy exploring the ruins of DC, but I want towns and the like that have more than two dozen people, and I want to be able to spend time in those town beyond stopping in to get a fetch quest or shop.

2 I want my gauss rifle back. More guns in general sure, but especially my gauss rifle.

3 Evil options that aren't so extreme. I want to play a sociopath, that means manipulating people to get what I want and killing people for the right price. It does not mean setting off nukes for meager sums.

4. Fix the third person view, really this shouldn't be so hard, my feet should not look like I'm on some bizarre treadmill, and my character shouldn't be hunched over just cause I move the view.

5. I'd like to be able to read whats on the screen. Most people do not sit 2 feet away from the screen on console games, even with my new big HD screen its difficult to read, on the old standard def CRT it was downright impossible. If they could implement readable text on the NES, they can do it on an xbox.

6. I want to nuke Vegas. Yes this conflicts with #3, I don't care, I want to get a whole string of nukes, set them up in the Rio casino, and make sure the place stays dead this time. Barring that, I'd at least like to blow up the Rio.
No particular order.

1. I honestly held great distaste for walking physically from point to point in fallout 3. (unless you've already visited every town, and hold an unnaturally high carry weight) This is simply filler trying to extend time spent in order to complete the game, luckilly there's a toggled walk button, so I could make progress while I'm doing something more interesting.
2. Combat should not be based around your characters level, because at level 3 I was able to take on 3 Muties with mini-guns and Chinese Assault rifles whilst I only had a baseball bat on my side.
3. The aliens DID NOT start Fallout's Post Apocalypse, it's purely human.
4. Gore shouldn't be THAT ridiculous.
5. Fuck it... Bethseda'll find some way to fuck it up again... Especially knowing this game will have DLC...
Kallisti said:
5. I'd like to be able to read whats on the screen. Most people do not sit 2 feet away from the screen on console games, even with my new big HD screen its difficult to read, on the old standard def CRT it was downright impossible. If they could implement readable text on the NES, they can do it on an xbox.

Don't listen to this, people that make games. Stop catering those who still have CRT screens.
A couple more:

6. When you customize guns you should be able to re-name them, I want a shotgun called, Krepe's Boomstik.

7. Because you can customize weapons with extra prts in new vegas (leaked info), I hope there is a huge array of extras, like Krepe's Boomstik would have smaller spread and a larger mag.

8. Less range on packaged food, how the hell did it survive that long?
1. Change the sniper. Slower the breaking, change the design, increase accuracy. Draqunov SVD would be awesome.

2. Skills increased to 300, traits back, level cap taken away, perks just every 3 levels.

3. More guns and if you find a "Terrible Shotgun" or something like that, change the skin! And take the Fat Man away. And bring the Tommy Gun back!

4. Bring the item examination back. It wasn't much, but it just added something in the first two games.

5. More REAL communities. Capital Wasteland was just 2-3 cities that were real cities.

6. Weapon fixing shouldn't consume the other weapon entirely and a new repairing system would be nice (you could choose what parts you want to change, I'll upload a shitty picture of what I have in mind some day)
Oerjeke said:

There's a link to a picture about the new repairing system. Whaddya' think?

I think your idea is very good, but I dont think it's a good idea to add it to fallout since this is going to emphasize on the the repair skill too much, if not that, they will have to make every other skill more complex and this will drift your attention from the initial purpose. I agree with you for everything else.
I don't like weapon tiering and diablo loot, a gun's a gun and it kills at level 1 or 33. So get rid of this. BUT, I'd like a familiarity system, where a good old reliable gun gets (a little) better in loving hands : habits create a better understanding of its balance (+accuracy) and systems (+reload speed). And to ride on Mr Krepe's wave, ability to rename said old reliable partner in crime.

Oerjeke said:
There's a link to a picture about the new repairing system. Whaddya' think?

Totally useless and secondary. I'd rather have this.
You find a nice looking gun, but it's all broken, beyond repair and you ain't got no ammo. It'll make a good club though.
Santoka, i'll thank you by riding on your wave. I think your repiaring system is rather good, i'd actually like it to be like that, plus the familiarity system would be quite good as well because i've stuck with the same gun pretty much ever since I started.
Mr Krepe said:
Santoka, i'll thank you by riding on your wave. I think your repiaring system is rather good, i'd actually like it to be like that, plus the familiarity system would be quite good as well because i've stuck with the same gun pretty much ever since I started.

Thank you. Nice to see that people like ideas thrown in the air without getting all flamed up their ass :)