Crni Vuk
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  • Let us abuse this like a chat!
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    Let abuse sherman paint job with Lahti L-39
    P.S I hate sherman, too tall and large silhouette for a spotter
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Well it's a medium tank and not a reconnaissance vehicle ... That would be the M8 Greyound.
    Orderites are crazy people.
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    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    Ain't we all.
    Most best threads are in TO so far. Although i got sick feeling whenever giving someone the equivalent of like/rad button in there.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Yeah it really does rub you wrong on some comments.
    When are you going to build yourself a proper computer? I think you should do a cheap gaming build as a test bed for whether you still like playing games. If that turns out good, you could upgrade it in the future.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Actually, I just thought about that right now! Proably around next month. I have to check a few websites for parts.
    What games are you playing? I have never seen you post about games that you play. I think you are a... pretend gamer... a black sheep in wolves clothing.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Uuuh ... ok? How's that important? And yea, the only game I am playing right now, is chess. Beacuse that is the only that runs on my toaster that I call PC right now. It's a 5 year old Mac ...
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    Black wolf. I imagined it was some strange, Serbian sounding pair of words. Not so it seems.
    Of course we are not the only ones who crave games that require a bit more thinking and be more involving other than 'press the button to win'. Unfortunate we are a dwindling audience in comparison to the new stream of console gamers who treat PC games with complexity as something to be discouraged and unfortunate they are the type of audience marketing thinks the companies should go for. I am pretty sure that if Inxile had a marketing department they would also have told Fargo that they should try to appease the Fallout 3 crowd as well when Wasteland 2 was announced. It is just much easier to make games for people who are not interested in complexity, the 'instant gratification' syndrome.
    Hey Crni, going to have to be honest but I have yet to see a Kickstarter funded game that lives up to my expectations. Sadly Wasteland 2 didn't even though it started out well. I ended up selling my own Collector's Edition and my nearly mint copy of Wasteland 1 because it just didn't feel worth having them anymore. (Wasteland may have started it all but Fallout perfected it)
    Of course your not. I absolutely love Alien, Aliens (though I do prefer egg morphing over a queen), I even like Alien 3 for the atmosphere. For me the Terminator Saga only consists of T1 and T2. Fallout 1 and 2 will forever be the games that introduced me to Western RPGs, and unless the fates say otherwise Fallout New Vegas will be its swansong (with Van Buren always being the beautiful 'what could have been'), and so it goes with many things I love.
    Meh, I understand you care for these franchises, I do. And I am not saying you should not be pissed but there is little you can do to stop this screwing of beloved creations unless you are one hell of a public speaker who can stir the audience into hating all these crap products as passionate as well, or be so rich you just buy these IP and manage to convince officials to pass a law that forbids these Hollywood wankers to ever set a foot near these IPs again on penalty of imprisonment.
    Regarding your feelings on Bethesda, a bit disturbing but sometimes I feel the only way to get the truth out of a developer or PR representative is to pull out a gun, shoot one of his or her colleagues in the leg and then tell the said person to answer all your questions while you keep the gun against his or her head.
    Hello Cri,

    I can understand why some people like Fallout 3 but I am honestly tired of their echo drone responses to excuse or justify Fallout 3's bad plot, characters, quests, locations, and so on.
    They are not bringing anything new to the debate, just stuff they picked up from somewhere else.
    yeah kinda, albeit I am born in Germany, my parents are from Serbia :)
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    That's cool. I mean glad you are existing despite the bombing.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    I luckily never had to experience war directly. Nor did my parents. Close family friends fought in the civil war though.
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