Dayglow Drifter
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  • Tonight in DnD: An evil fey nearly annihilates the entire party via petrification.
    "An evil fey"
    Paul Lynde casts stone on everybody?
    DnD last night involved: a teleportation circle, an arctic desert shrouded in eternal night, mammoths, and a personal PC side-quest
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    Reactions: Supermarauder
    WHOA there bud. You can't use Orc. no hard R for you. It's Oac.

    Sucks that DnD thread died. I like hearing about stuff like this.
    Everything here dies.
    But it never really goes away.
    Last night in DnD my party fought their way through a slaughterhouse filled with reanimated farm animals covered in blades, went pretty well
    But who has a basement full of reanimated animal corpses, whom I am going to assume are violent and thinks to themselves "They needs knives glued to them" or perhaps they were completely benign and attaching pokey bits was a way to make them an obstacle.
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    ^ whoever the fuck ran the Animal Farm farm
    Dayglow Drifter
    Dayglow Drifter
    The dude lived in the basement which was only enterable via the back room of the "deserted" butcher shop's ground floor. He tossed his old experiments up in the ground floor to discourage people from poking around and making their way to his lab, which is where the boss fight (against a flesh golem) occurred.
    Tonight for DnD my party will be leaving a 100+ room megadungeon and will never be subjected a shitshow like that ever again.
    Sounds like a last boss dungeon. Or a dungeon in Dagerfalll.
    Dayglow Drifter
    Dayglow Drifter
    More of the latter, it was honestly an experiment for me more than anything. The game is a "city crawl" based in a huge city built atop a sunken metropolis and they were sent there to map a portion of it as part of an expedition.
    Dayglow Drifter
    Dayglow Drifter
    It sounded like a cool idea on paper, I essentially create a ruined ancient neighborhood (read: randomly generate some with some freeware) and populate it with subterranean monsters to turn it into a dungeon but it's dragged on to 4 sessions (duh! lol) and I yearn for them to return to the surface world.
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