Dayglow Drifter
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  • Shouts out to that Sierra Madre snowglobe for giving you 2000 chips instead of 2000 caps, saved my ass today
    Dayglow Drifter
    Dayglow Drifter
    Also this was my first time ever finding it, and it happened completely on accident
    I always felt that the Assassin Suit was out of place in Dead Money but it just became obvious to me that it clearly belonged to Christine
    Turned my guy into Solid Snake so yeah...
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    Did it not occur to you that it's literally a dirty and silent Stealth Suit from Big MT
    Been a while since a DnD update: The party survives to live another day after performing a dual assassination in exchange for their lives
    I live in the most cucked of America's 50 states.
    Dayglow Drifter
    Dayglow Drifter
    at my house we've been experiencing rolling blackouts that occur roughly every other hour, so we get about 12 hours of power every 24. that makes me one of the lucky ones, my parents had to sleep in their car on monday night while idling it to keep the heat running.
    That one couple did that in their garage and they all died. Poor bastards.
    Dayglow Drifter
    Dayglow Drifter
    lol we just got hit with a boil water notice that is in effect for the next 48 hours, my city's water treatment plants kicked the bucket
    Already very excited about the Night Walk I have planned after I clock out of work today.
    Do you plan on rioting?
    *Protesting peacefully
    Dayglow Drifter
    Dayglow Drifter
    I planned on running a few errands but changed my mind and ran them during my lunch break instead when I realized how cold it would be by the time I get off work.
    i had never seen critical role season 1 before and jesus fucking christ is it obvious why orion "voluntarily" left the show
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    I've really never been able to get into DnD/Tabletop podcasts, the basic of premise of them doesn't gel with me
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    It was like the one time I sat in the living room of my flat listening to the others play cause my guy was dead for a session - but for a whole podcast
    Dayglow Drifter
    Dayglow Drifter
    Yeah I used to not really have the attention span for it in my free-time but they have me doing stuff at work now where I go hours without having to talk to someone and it's perfect for that.
    Played some New Vegas tonight and some stuff happened and now my character has murdered the entire population of North Vegas Square
    "Some stuff happened", huh?
    Dayglow Drifter
    Dayglow Drifter
    The .45 machine gun may have been a bit overkill when I went after Andy in The Grey, which was also crawling with locals. Clanden didn't care for it I guess.
    Dayglow Drifter
    Dayglow Drifter
    But don't worry! I also failed to prevent Alice Hostetler from killing her mom, but also killed Alice in the process!
    DnD update: The party sticks their nose where it doesn't belong, and ends up being made an offer they can't refuse by a vampiric crime boss
    Dayglow Drifter
    Dayglow Drifter
    They also save a not-so-innocent merchant from a burning building in the process
    You come to me on the day of my dhampir's wedding. ask me to kill a man I do not know. to drink his blood. DON'T MIND IF I DO!
    DnD Update: A recon job goes awry leaving the party trapped in ruins beneath the city, where they are stalked by a powerful demon
    Foundation Demons, those are never good. Not only can they cause water damage and one side of your house to sink, it costs a arm and a leg metaphorically and sometimes literally to get rid of them. That is why I use RAID Demon Spray. you want the extra strength low irritant kind though.
    If I was Julius Caesar I would have just stabbed all the senators before they could stab me.
    John Wick your way off the senate floor with pugios.
    Also, Rome is the best tv show in the last two decades, or so.
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