Dr Fallout
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  • Vote Bernie! I'm looking at his policies and damn, this guy is who I've been waiting for. Sadly he's not going to win...
    Medieval is fine, I like it. Science Fiction doesn't do that well (exceptions of course) and what else is there? (SARCASM)
    I like the premise, though it's not exactly original nor unique. Anyway, back to the Tales of Borderlands which is surprisingly good.
    Hehe, I'm just kidding. Also you've made a fallacy, concentration camps does not equal Nazis. America had camps for the Japanese so... yeah.
    While terrible we at lest didn't gas them. Speaking of which there is one such camp around were I live. I think its still around for tours. Its quite educational.
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Really? That's interesting. Yeah, no comparison, but still. Nazism does not equal concentration camps.
    That's already been happening. However it's either Nazi America, or Theocratical States of America thanks to Cruz.
    NCR are boring, House doesn't change anything and Independent is too general. Now, Legion... Legion would make for a great ending.
    Do you really want Beth to ruin the Legion?
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Nah, Obsidian would handle that. But if they do... if they fucking dare...
    Pvt Snowball
    Pvt Snowball
    Finally someone else who thinks so. Its definitely the most interesting ending. I just wan't to see Caesar's plan fully realized.
    Does anyone find the whole 'Legion are insanely evil' untrue and counter-productive to their actual effectiveness?
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Really? I have found very little evidence of them being the enemy of mankind, and most of that is from the outside that's either ignorant or biased.
    While it's true their reputation is exaggerated, there hasn't been any proof that the Legion has any chance of maintaining an efficient long-term civilisation. I'll agree they're effective as a fighting force, though.
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Well... I mean we can compare them to Genghis Khan, who ruled a militaristic force, that slaughtered, enslaved and raped their way through Asia, creating surprisingly a stable empire that fell apart when he died. So comparing him to Caesar... means that yes, the stable empire is entirely possible. Now long term... that relies on Caesar's efforts to move the spotlight away from himself.
    That's fine. Apparently I sound like a fake Englishmen, but that's subjective. I like to consider myself as Tourist-German, having lived there and learnt the language.
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