Dr Fallout
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  • 2016. What a year!
    Some businessman memed his way into office; Brits decided to fuck over the EU; people got their dicks out over a dead gorilla; in an effort to oppose the President-elect people defended a mass murderer; some guy has a weird taste in art and is now suspected of pedophilia; Canada is endorsing transgender pronouns under law...
    2017, the reprecussions of 2016. I reiterate, new-USA, just don't get Norway bombed. I know it sounds "unlikely", but "unlikely" has kind of lost its meaning lately, so... don't get us bombed plz. As long as we go un-bombed, everything's gonna be a fucking riot, I bet it. Amazing news, every day!
    God bless us-everyone.
    Well that's a different kind of christmas spirit... :(

    Reminds me of a "tales from the crypt" kind of thing me and my cousin watched, about an ax-wielding santa claus, hacking up and down into the frozen spine of some face-down victim in the snow. I actually dreaded x-mas the rest of that year
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Give! Take! Give! Take!
    Santa giveth and Santa taketh
    It's true, Russians can get salty as fuck.
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Hahaha. But in all seriousness, how is it funny? Memes like 'Ukraine? No Mykraine.' are funny but this shit... no.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Well, I agree it isn't funny 'anymore', as it's overused, kinda like the garbage with knees and arrows in Skyrim. But seriously, I always thought it was simply a nice catchphrase to annoy people, and it did a wonderfull job in that department! Kinda like the Russians themselvs :D, no?
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny, good job, you deserve a medal.
    Anyone interested in a Legion let's play of Darkest Hour Fallout mod? It'll be something different than political debating on this website.
    I'm thinking of doing a Darkest Hour Fallout mod let's play as the Legion. It's a Paradox strategy game set during World War 2.
    These games follow history as closely as possible, so even in a classic like HOI2 you will see colonized Africa, with - as is correct - Liberia and Ethiopia as independent states, and some semi-independent-ness for South Africa (that I also wanted to see for Egypt, but some of the mechanics are for game-play ease)
    I'm such a nitpick with this, it's one of my dissapointments with the latest installment of Hearts of Iron - the Peru Ecuador war of 1941 is no longer included. "But what relevance does that have to WW2?" None. But they DID include it in HOI2! :D
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    I got Darkest Hour because it was a single polished game and the mods. The mods... so many good mods.
    I am back, back from mourning in Cuba. A great man died there... may we weep his passing. Also, fuck yes cars from the 50's.
    That is what money is for, though. Ultimately. It's the elephant in the room. Power is for money, money for more money - but ULTIMATELY money is for fucking. But broke people can fuck. Ergo, money is for fucking what *ever* broke people can't fuck - and of course, getting away with it. Such as childrens corpses.
    By the way, I'm not really a conspiracy nut of any kind, but you should find the opening ceremony of this Swiss tunnel, it was a year back or so. It has dancing demons in it. Angela Merkel and others look fairly worried, as the ritualistic fanfare develops, and Pan-like devils begin to doggie-mount angels and stuff...
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Oh yeah, my parents mentioned that. They lived in Switzerland so they're interested in what happens there.
    Why is being a communist more acceptable then being a fascist? Both have led to millions of deaths and atrocities (according to others).
    We must combine this with a ruthlessness towards those who threaten our weak and defenseless. Our ruthlessness in those situations is almost limitless, and for a good reason - we are beasts after all. I think we are fine as we are - so long as we attempt to remain balanced in our nature.
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    It’s the doctrine of liberalism which teaches that all systems opposed to it are illegitimate. Communism in particular is especially abhorred because it seeks the complete elimination of capitalism, whereas fascism would just exploit it in a different manner. Mises actually found the fascists preferable to the Stalinists, but he was ultimately liberal.
    Liberal capitalism is the dominant system, and as such casualties are never blamed on it; the death tolls are almost never discussed in such terms. The one time I saw an outsider noticing them, she said something to the effect of ‘That’s just some crap that he learnt from school.’ Hahahaha.
    See how the cruel and petty moderators take control over the Order! Even the white cis-gender middle aged Orderites are not safe!
    Mr muggyman 3000
    Mr muggyman 3000
    It's a clear sign of abuse of power,this is what happens when it's a moderator controlled senate
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Exactly, we must fight together to end this madness.
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