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  • If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world!
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    If more of us can cook, the world would instantly be a better place.
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    Reactions: eissa
    And the food supply are dirt cheap, comprised of proteins and lots of fruits/veggies with little of fat. Japanese and Korean are good start but they are just expensive for everyday meal.
    Anyway the quote is from Hobbit, if you not notice.
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    Thank Goodness there is still Metro Exodus, so i dont have to play modded fallout 4 for post apoc fps gunplay experience.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Hey Artyom, do you mind clearing out that settlement of cannibals while we... guard your wife?
    People that play modded Fallout 4 to get some kind of dopamine fix are partially retarded.
    Okay i am reinstalling stellaris with mods. Wish me luck of actually playing the game longer than installing the mods.
    Game is so expensive. I feel like it has been out forever but it is still full price with full price DLC.
    Gaming industry is surely over invested, might explain all the scummy anti consumerism practise.
    Cyberpunk is delayed again, why i am not surprised
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Fortunately for the fans of the setting, Ghostrunner has just been released. And it looked like cyberpunk Dishonored, or at least that's what I saw as someone who haven't actually played Dishonored and only have seen the gameplay footage.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Also, turns out since April a cyberpunk RPG came out, called Cloudpunk. Haven't tried it myself, but do check them out.
    I feel like Ghostrunner is more like the type of cyberpunk setting that in line more with the likes of Deus Ex, Dredd and Robocop instead the grimdark of CP2020 and edge runner.
    Everyone got a plan of their own until get mauled. You kept saying you think you know whats coming until you step in the cage with Khabib.
    A Fight between a bear wrestling russian man from mountain vs a backflipping Homer Simpson, approved by Trump himself in 24th.
    Smesh Legacy 10/10
    If one man can hold you down, then 2 can rape you unless you get in a car crash and create violence within the zone of death
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    So you're talking about MMA. Up this moment I had no clue what you actually meant XD.
    Exdee i actually mention MMA in previous comment 84 hours ago, -_-
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    I somehow only saw the "rape" "car crash" and "one man can hold you down" part. :X
    And my brain simply didn't compute. For some reason I also read NMA and not MMA at first ...
    Reminder Age of Empire 3 Definitive Edition is just released, with new fix, graphic and faction. I am gonna love Sweden civ, sorry zegh.
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    Reactions: Black Angel
    And apparently it's a poorly optimized, buggy mess according to steam reviews. So yet another piss poor definitive edition to an Age of Empires that will take ages to be fixed. In fact, they haven't fixed the Age of Mythology definitive edition and it came out nearly 5 years ago.

    Yeah, pass.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    It's so darn cheap compared to AoE2DE. I'm still holding off buying AoE2DE because of how it doesn't give reasonably generous discount for those who bout AoE2HD (and especially since I also bought its DLCs one-by-one), but I might get AoE3DE. Even a friend recommended it.
    A 50kg female karate champion beat a 6'3 84kg male with no fighting/martial arts experience, who would have thought?
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    Reactions: Crni Vuk
    And here i am mentionimg it in the context of answering bethesda shiller that think no skills would still make sense and can give SPECIAL more meaning in Fallout 4 and 76.
    You're forgetting Beth makes games for those who are high as that karate champ but weigh as much as the tall guy.
    Fallout 1,2 and new vegas as Men of War mod sound cool, if we can't have the classic modern isometric there still the rts version of them.
    @TorontoReign OWB Enclave mod is awesome, the enclave is still no mutant allowed but it's more like gene purity apartheid and if your legitimacy score high any factions can join you willing just that.
    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1355856476 Reformer path is so damn well written and might make sense for Enclave that attempt to "redeem" themself, probably better than Coloner Autumn from Fallout 3 ever could. Screw compliancy, if you build civilian power grid/plant you can instantly core as befit to legit government that provide social welfare
    Purity path is basically Enclave going post human utopia that wrecked with near zero manpower but very strong army out of superhuman and combat robots, but they have option to recruit from genetically pure settlement like vault city and other control vaults.
    I wish New Vegas got more extreme Special stats check, something that either punish or reward min-maxer. Like becoming Vault city citizen.
    Even Todd himself understand this to some extend, he wanted SPECIAL feel more...well special and just experiment if skills points 1-100 can be just relegated to tier1-5 perks. It's kinda like Age of Decadence. But Todd basically forget to include the actual perks/special checks.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Yes but when you look at other AAA role playing games we can also see that this specialisation is not something they do very often in their games. The majority of gamers out there I think just don't like it (I guess). And game developers often shy away from it as it's also difficult to make it feel well. In most of the games you end up as the toughest kid on the block doing everything.
    Todd and his you should be able to do everything in one play through approach. Hence how in oblivion a Barbarian with zero skills in magic and stealing can be both the president of the college of magic as well as the leader of guild of thieves despite their idea of handling problems in either discipline is bashing things with an axe.
    Why most indie games on steam seem to be just carbon copy of popular flash games in 2000s internet?
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