Recent content by Elrotor

  1. Elrotor

    Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

    Question, trying to install the armor drop mod. I can see where the scrip files go, that is pretty self explanatory. The ondeath ini does that go in the root directory? Mods Folder? Answer: looks like Fo2\
  2. Elrotor

    UP and RP updates

    Disregard, I've restarted so many times, I can blaze through the first four towns now :).
  3. Elrotor

    What's the deal with Highwayman and fuel?

    I have had it too, I just reload the game. To me is like the game doesnt see the interaction window and thinks you are clicking on map.
  4. Elrotor

    UP and RP updates

    How terrible would it be to install FOTweaks over RPU if have already started a game?
  5. Elrotor

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I tried 2 previous saves at other points prior to getting to Sulik's sister. Same result, she starts the dialogue when i enter the holding hut. After that I cant cont and I cant get rid of the dialogue window where ever I go. If I click the dialogue sentence I go into "sneak" mode. Thanks...
  6. Elrotor

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    The quest for finding the guy's son in Redding will not complete. I go to ruined city examine dead young lad body, focus, etc. Come back to redding he ask if i found him, my only option is nope still looking. I am bugged at Suliks sister rescue. Kill alll slavers, get key, open door, her...
  7. Elrotor

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    When I try to put Betsy to sleep in VC, the dialogue is "error" "error". I know one is a bad one because I loose 10 karma, and the other Betsy stays in the group.
  8. Elrotor

    V13 Question and MMod

    Now, I've read that I should not go back to V13 after Arroyo is wiped out. Atleast in the vanilla version of the game. 'Cause if you do so, you doom V13? Still true in MMod? I have not killed the doc in Navarro, and I am sure 2 weeks have passed since. Does it matter?
  9. Elrotor

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    The kid at the basement of the stables wont give me dialogue for the jet antidote. I had gotten the antidote form the Doc in VC earlier and given it to painless. I went back to VC after the raiders and talked to Council man, whom I told that the doc could make the antidote. He told me to get...
  10. Elrotor

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Got Raider Map from Bishop's vault. Read it. Killed the Bishop gang. Went to VC and got he raider quest from stark. Wen to map, down the hole, tried to talk to the tribal, but all he does is stare at me. I even took Sulik's armor off and mine as well. Nada. Edit: I just realized I had...
  11. Elrotor

    FO2 w/MMOD Mrs Bishop and Linguistics

    Nope, took 2 mentats and still nada, she wont give THAT up.
  12. Elrotor

    FO2 w/MMOD Mrs Bishop and Linguistics

    So, I cant get Mrs to drop the linguistics module in the vault. I think I have tried every dialogue option. However, the issue of her accent doesnt come up until we finish in the sack, and she falls asleep before by telling me that I am running a deficit if I am pumping her for information...
  13. Elrotor

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Question: Does MMod include Niki from RP? I was not able to find her. Gameplay General Question: When I was fighting the Salvatore's at their bar, I noticed a character Bill ran away. I had not felt his pressence before :/. It was towards the end of the battle and I could not stop Sulik in...
  14. Elrotor

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Bug: New Reno: The 3 characters by the barrel on the S corner outside the Gym, they float :error: when you walk by. If you talk to them, there are two dialogue options, their input "Hey Champ" or something like that, and you can give them money and forget the other option, but nothing happens...
  15. Elrotor

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Redding: Southeast of the widows farm. 2 containers are displayed. However, they are unreachable. Probably the NPC trading containers?