Recent content by Harken

  1. Harken

    Post your favourite Movie scene and rate others!

    10/10 The sight of a velociraptor getting the drop on Muldoon using such a simple tactic is truly intriguing, which goes to show how easy it is to underestimate an nonsapient creature. Also, Jurassic Park had fantastic looking dinosaurs, so there's always that going for it.
  2. Harken

    The Power Armor dilemma in New Vegas

    You’re definitely not alone. I’ve always ended up repairing Rhonda (with the exception of one playthrough where I was essentially roleplaying the Hulk), considering I normally step into the shoes of a charismatic wandering geek. Plus the prospect of ‘Misadventures of Tabitha and Rhonda’ has...
  3. Harken

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Can we name any worldspace expansion that hasn't been to the detriment of everything else? Oh, yeah and
  4. Harken

    The Worrying Increase of Unfinished Games.

    I think why companies continuously release bad products is that although good products do generally sell more, they’re also more expensive to produce. When a game gets enough hype, as you said, it’ll always have better sales, but far more people are likely to ignore these flaws because they’re...
  5. Harken

    Fallout Haiku

    Out in Golgotha. Maximum carry weight reached. Stop resenting strength. Let's see something about talking deathclaws.
  6. Harken

    No More Level Caps

    Yeah, I quite like that system. Having a mere 25 point difference may decrease the value of tags, but with a maximum intelligence that allows to have universally decent skills and still maximizing tagged skills. My worry is that Intelligence will become an absolute priority for all players...
  7. Harken

    Fanatic for the Enclave - Glory to the Enclave

    Well, like how the Unity tried to assimilate all humans, the Legion assimilated many tribes. I suppose that was a bit far-fetched in hindsight.
  8. Harken

    Why Do You Enjoy Fallout 3

    Yes. The overpasses and highways were the only parts I actually enjoyed navigating. I crossed a lot back home when commuting, so they actually kind of made me feel like I was traveling long distances in a fraction of the time I originally thought. I found that to be quite relaxing whenever I...
  9. Harken

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    8/10 Started out strong with some impressive impact, for what it was. The lyrics might have something interesting to say, but it's a little harder to make out than I'd like. It may come off as lyrical dissonance to most people, but I think it captures SPD well.
  10. Harken

    No More Level Caps

    Bringing back the old skill system could work, assuming Bethesda doesn't go full retard and butcher the skills to a total of 5 or something, thus defeating the point. Changing the requirements to level up skills like that is a bad idea, I'd say. It'd just slow down the process to capping...
  11. Harken

    Fanatic for the Enclave - Glory to the Enclave

    The Enclave did get really popular after their reprise in New Vegas. If the Legion had some more interesting or likable characters a similar response could be had. Part of it might be aesthetic too. Even back in the day, the Enclave had this badass, menacing power armor that made them genuinely...
  12. Harken

    How excited are you for Fallout 4?

    Considering the jarring difference of quality between Oblivion and Skyrim, that is probably the most frightening metaphors I've read. The future is very dark...
  13. Harken

    Did James have to kill himself in Fallout 3?

    I can't remember when, but I'm pretty sure Sawyer brought this up on his Formspring at some point. If I recall correctly, he claimed that they did originally have plans to implement some Legion territory into the game in order to explore their faction a bit better, but they didn't have nearly...
  14. Harken

    Anyone else tired of the old factions?

    FO2 was pretty far north of the area FO1 took place in with only a couple of overlapping areas. FNV moved even further west. Regardless of how influenced they were by the events of their predecessors, they were also largely independent of them. There has to be something that ties them all...
  15. Harken

    Post your favourite Movie scene and rate others!

    Wow. 9/10 That's pretty heartfelt. Both in writing and delivery. This, on the other hand, is just too much. It certainly isn't hard to parody. That much is certain.