General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Only exciting announcement there was the New Star Fox game, the whole elda presentation is giving me Todd Howard flashbacks...
Only exciting announcement there was the New Star Fox game, the whole elda presentation is giving me Todd Howard flashbacks...

Can we name any worldspace expansion that hasn't been to the detriment of everything else?

Oh, yeah and
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I'm a massive Zelda fan, but that is pretty silly. Really? You can walk to those mountains in the distance AND pick up apples that fall from trees!? YES! FINALLY!
Shadow of the Colossus was an extremelñy well designed game with a Focus on the Colossi fights, not so much on open world apple eating. And let's be honest, 3D Zeldas are all pretty flawed design wise, and that is when they have completely empty and small open worlds, now they seem to be focusing on the Skyrim brand "Open world RPG" thing, down to mentioning how you can eat apples from trees.
Shadow of the Colossus was an extremelñy well designed game with a Focus on the Colossi fights, not so much on open world apple eating. And let's be honest, 3D Zeldas are all pretty flawed design wise, and that is when they have completely empty and small open worlds, now they seem to be focusing on the Skyrim brand "Open world RPG" thing, down to mentioning how you can eat apples from trees.

To be fair we know jack shit about the new Zelda. As much as I talk shit about it, I think it is the most promising Zelda title since Windwaker. I love me some Zelda. I've never played a mainline Zelda game I didn't like. That being said I hope they shake the formula up a bit before I kill myself.
Most of them suffer from the "Item is only useful in the dungeon it is acquired" syndrome, a lot of the puzzles are just looking around the room for a glowy eye to hit despite that not adapting so well from the 2D realm, they tend to have completely empty open worlds that just serve as filler between dungeons. Ocarina can be forgiven because it was the first of it's kind, Majora and WInd Waker introduced their own flawed mechanics but they make up for it in other aspects, while Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword just fell flat on their faces, specially TP.
Most of them suffer from the "Item is only useful in the dungeon it is acquired" syndrome, a lot of the puzzles are just looking around the room for a glowy eye to hit despite that not adapting so well from the 2D realm, they tend to have completely empty open worlds that just serve as filler between dungeons. Ocarina can be forgiven because it was the first of it's kind, Majora and WInd Waker introduced their own flawed mechanics but they make up for it in other aspects, while Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword just fell flat on their faces, specially TP.

Did you actually play Skyward Sword?
I had a fun time showing "certain videos" to a student who LOVED Zelda and Smash Bros. and Pokemon games. The videos in question were of individuals who either sucked at the games or had some serious beef with them. Egoraptor's latest Sequelitis. Roosterteeth's "What You Know" series. Dota2 Casters lounging around and playing these games between tournament matches. All very entertaining. And her reactions to watching novices play games she enjoyed watching pros play was HILARIOUS! XD
Only people with low opinions of Pokemon are the dirty dirty casuals. :hatersgonnahate: Altho some people who like pokemon are also dirty dirty casuals that try to feel like better players for sucking at the game.
So I just got the new Smash Bros and I can say it is a blast. One of the best games this year. Me and two of my friends played the shit out of it yesterday. With Nintendo releasing so few games the past few years, many thought they were out of the game. Mario Kart and Smash Bros always puts things back into perspective when they come out. Same with Legend of Zelda or the main Mario games. Owning a Wii U was a big plus this year. With local multi-player all but extinct, it is refreshing to play a game on the same screen as your friends. I've hardly touched my PS3 and the PS4 isn't worth owning yet. So the Wii U and pc are my main systems of choice at the moment. I picked up Evil Within during Black Friday for so damn cheap, but I have hardly even touched it.

I have a RPG backlog that consists of Ni No Kuni, Suikoden 2, Saga Frontier 2, and Shining Force 3, but it is so hard to go back and play a RPG after you stopped for awhile. It seems like you need momentum to complete a lot of JRPG's. I think the grinding is the main source of frustration. These games are on my bucket list though so I have to beat them at some point. I still need to pick up Hyrule Warriors, Wonderful 101, and Oddworld: New and Tasty. I hate the end of the year. There are too many good games released in a short amount of time. I had nothing to play for most of the year.
Fucking Wii Owner!!!

All in jest / good fun, of course! =D

I'd say more, but I'm cleaning right now.
But seriously... you fucking Wii Owner! ^_<
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Fucking Wii Owner!!!

All in jest / good fun, of course! =D

I'd say more, but I'm cleaning right now.
But seriously... you fucking Wii Owner! ^_<

I know. Heh. It's a fucking good system though. I got the Windwaker HD edition that has Hylian runes on the gamepad. Speaking of which...the gamepad is one of the coolest ideas ever. The stylus works great on it. It works differently depending on the game. On Smash Bros you can create levels with it. You can draw the platforms with the stylus, place objects, choose the background, and pick from a variety of music from classic Nintendo games. There are over a dozen songs just for Zelda. I was pleasantly surprised that they included a lot of Earthbound music as well. I made a level last night that used the Dark World music from Link to the Past, with a giant volcano exploding in the background. Some of the options are limited so I hope they expand with patches or DLC, but some crazy levels have already been made. I just wish I had decent internet so I could compete online.
Wew, first stage of cleaning done. Now I got more space around my desk. Very refreshing! ^_^ Onto business...

I'll grant them that Nintendo's systems are the ones which seem to focus most on "THIS IS FOR PLAYING GAMES" than the others. It's nifty that I can hook up a keyboard and mouse to my PS3 and surf the web on it... kinda. But it's not a replacement for my PC. Not nearly. Hell, Sony did themselves a disservice when they retroactively took out the Linux support from the PS3 through their firmware updates (I swear, that system started out AMAZING and then just gradually got shit on by each successive update over the years... T_T) because that allowed users to MAKE their PS3s into capable, ridiculously-cheap "personal computers". But no, no more of that, they decided. And, as Jim Sterling is oft fond to point out, many of the features the newer XBoxes and PlayStations seem to think adopting is a good idea are things TVs just COME WITH by default, nowadays. Again, it's just all nifty, but nothing that really sells systems on its own, anymore. Focusing on the GAMES has been a strength of Nintendo, so it's nice that they've stuck to that approach. Much as I hate them, I do wish that was something the others would copy. It would make for a lot more fun gaming. =|

With Nintendo releasing so few games the past few years, many thought they were out of the game.
Well really, when are they EVER out of the fight? They either own the platform for their competitors to run off of or they own the rights to things that everybody's diehard over, so they will never die! The time of Nintendo being a brand of the past isn't anywhere on the horizon, that I've noticed. They may hit some dry spells, but I'd say that's just going to coincide with seasonal dry spells. After all, what games that came out recently have been stellar? ANY platform, ANY brand. Everything's just been "more of the same" for a while, now. It was probably just the ebbing and flowing lulls that Nintendo was going with the flow of.

I've hardly touched my PS3 and the PS4 isn't worth owning yet. So the Wii U and pc are my main systems of choice at the moment.
My 360 went into storage a few years ago and it took the adopted habit of exercise bike gaming to get my PS3 back into action. The thing that irks me the most about the PS4 is the whole "mandatory paid" PS+ if you wanna go online. That's just plain bullshit. Sony had no trouble keeping PSN online with their revenues during the previous generation, and the inclusion of PS+ as an OPTIONAL service was really nifty, but what I loved about PSN was that it was FREE, it was by far superior to XBox LIVE Gold, which you had to pay for on subscription plans if you wanted to use multiplayer. Worse yet, they didn't even charge you money, they charged you their own currency which drew more money from user wallets (they eventually changed to cash payments, but not for about 4 or 5 years). I hated what Microsoft did the previous generation, so even with Sony making colossal fuck-ups (like the infamous month-long PSN outage as an overreaction to Anonymous' attacks) they still stood tall over Microsoft over the last generation. They even scored MORE points for me with that scathing burn of a last-second add for "sharing games" on the PS4 to make fun of Microsoft's latest foul. But it felt like they lost all that good will when they started instituting some seriously poor decisions. Primarily mandatory-paid PS+ if you wanna go online. ~_~

I still enjoy my PS3, and I NEED to use it if I wanna finish playing NGS and get that final highest difficulty run done. But if it weren't for exercise bike gaming, I probably would've put it in storage, as well. I just have much more fun on my PC, most of the time. =]

It seems like you need momentum to complete a lot of JRPG's. I think the grinding is the main source of frustration.
Grinding DOES seem to be a staple of JRPGs, I'll give em that... <_< For all the lackluster qualities of Nier, and for all the brilliance of its story, the worst aspect of that game was the grinding. It was just mindless, monotonous, and despicable. I just hate when games pit players at the mercy of ridiculously low-likelihood RNGs instead of tests of skill, so requiring that I spend hours and hours leaving an area to respawn a specific enemy then clearing it then leaving and area to repsawn a specific enemy then clearing it then leaving, over and over, just so I could harvest ONE ore so I could upgrade ONE sword, was really irritating.

Its combat was clever, if kinda loose and flimsy at times. Its platforming was competent. Its setup of breaking the game into 2 halves and 4 parts was creative. Its English voice acting was god-awfully atrocious and painful to listen to and it had some sequences that were just totally out of place and absurd. But that grinding was just the death of the game. I ADORED the ending, and it made me want to buy the Japanese version and play that to enjoy it all over again while savoring some GOOD voice acting, but it was the tedium that made me abandon any such plans.

KRPGs love their "the stronger you get, the less clothes you wear" armor designs. MMORPGs have little story because they need to make room for an infinitely repeating setting. JRPGs love their meticulous grinding. Seems to be the law of the land. =/