Juza The Cloud May 31, 2017 Injustice 2 has much better facial animations/cut scenes and storyline then anything found in Mass Effect Andromeda.
Injustice 2 has much better facial animations/cut scenes and storyline then anything found in Mass Effect Andromeda.
Juza The Cloud May 13, 2017 Ever see a film you are not into except the director; because you want to see how things in a future film by said director would be like ?
Ever see a film you are not into except the director; because you want to see how things in a future film by said director would be like ?
Juza The Cloud May 10, 2017 Its a shame the studio passed on Rich Evans for Bladerunner https://youtu.be/QZOLKwSsFik
Juza The Cloud Jan 31, 2017 Affleck out as director and The Flash gets a complete script rewrite, geez WB get your DC shit together.
Affleck out as director and The Flash gets a complete script rewrite, geez WB get your DC shit together.
Juza The Cloud Jan 30, 2017 Awesome, Amazon video uploaded a ton of Rifftrax (later MST3k crew) movies, so stoked.
Juza The Cloud Jan 30, 2017 So the Deus Ex series is on hiatus, fuck, so much for holding out on a directors cut of Mankind Divided.
So the Deus Ex series is on hiatus, fuck, so much for holding out on a directors cut of Mankind Divided.
Juza The Cloud Jan 22, 2017 Golden Shower Burgers anyone https://www.instagram.com/p/BPIY7rVhjd6/?taken-by=nevinmartell
Juza The Cloud Jan 10, 2017 Pavlovian response disguised as mental masturbation passes for intellect when you are in your 20's