Juza The Cloud Sep 5, 2017 Just watched the tech demo for Doomiablo, yeah Doom that plays like Diablo. So need to play this when its finished !
Just watched the tech demo for Doomiablo, yeah Doom that plays like Diablo. So need to play this when its finished !
Juza The Cloud Aug 29, 2017 Figures the narrator in Darkest Dungeon was so familiar to me....Wayne Motherfucking June
Juza The Cloud Aug 16, 2017 Come to think of it are Confederate war memorials not the ultimate "participation trophy" ?
Juza The Cloud Aug 8, 2017 It goes without saying but Star Trek Continues and Anaxar are more Trek then Discovery could ever attempt to be.
It goes without saying but Star Trek Continues and Anaxar are more Trek then Discovery could ever attempt to be.
Juza The Cloud Aug 1, 2017 All kidding aside, Comrade Detective reminds me of a real show I used to watch while studying abroad in the Czech Republic
All kidding aside, Comrade Detective reminds me of a real show I used to watch while studying abroad in the Czech Republic
Juza The Cloud Jun 7, 2017 Ugh Twin Peaks is back, sigh. Now I have to deal with all the poser Lynch fans again.