Recent content by Kommie

  1. Kommie

    Gun Control

    "Comments disabled" Fucking coward
  2. Kommie

    Gun Control

  3. Kommie

    Gun Control

    And not everyone is a psychopath, having them turn in their guns is the dumbest thing anyone could do since you're pretty much asking them to give in anything that could keep their own Government from screwing them over cough Nazi Germany cough
  4. Kommie

    Gun Control

    There's a difference between giving an opinion and straight up saying "guns bad, you shouldn't have them."
  5. Kommie

    Gun Control

    Why do you even want it to change, you don't even live in the U.S.
  6. Kommie

    Gun Control

  7. Kommie

    Gun Control

    Gonna be honest with ya and a couple of other people in the thread. Saying Americans should change our gun culture is like asking us to change our entire culture and ignore the events of our founding. The U.S was founded on the idea of being free from heavy regulations and authoritarian ideas...
  8. Kommie

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    "Board of Control for Cricket in India, BCCI." what
  9. Kommie

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    tfw fallout 76 fans straight up admit to not reading my posts on the games flaws
  10. Kommie

    50 Minutes of 76

    The amount of reaching people are doing to excuse bad writing amazes me.
  11. Kommie

    50 Minutes of 76

    What the fuck are you talking about
  12. Kommie

    50 Minutes of 76

    Actual quotes from people "It’s fun for me so whatever I honestly wouldn’t care of the next fallout was just a picture of Todd Howard you paid €60 for because 76 right now is fun so that’s all that matters" "'I'm enjoying 76, glad they're stepping away to something they aren't comfortable with...
  13. Kommie

    50 Minutes of 76

  14. Kommie

    50 Minutes of 76

    You just said what he said
  15. Kommie

    I doubt it

    I doubt it