Gun Control

How conspiratory. But seriously I'd need one instance of me ever saying here or ever in this forum that people, at least average, clean record ones should be compelled or forced to hand in their weapons, or the ugly word, "disarm". At most basic they should be able to do so if they wanted at any time, especially if in a pinch so you don't feed the "black market" through negligence.

Also as we all know the only significant way the government can "fuck you over" is coming to your house and dragging you to the street with a force that is just feeble enough that you could realistically handle, yes. It's totally not in practice maybe killing a cop or two before they apprehend you >_>. Not even gonna humor the muh nazi Germany bit there.

Having said that I understand cops aren't that popular in the States.
Didn't someone post something earlier in the thread about how easy it would be to shoot a politician (already happened with Giffords, the republican golf event, etc)? An armed populace certainly DOES make a difference in how our politicians and leaders think.

But yea, some folks here have already voiced their opinion on how they agree certain guns should be banned, like military style weapons even though they are no more dangerous than the run of the mill rifles already out there.
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Armaphobia levels in this thread goes through the roof. Shame on yuo, armaphobic bigot crackers, it's 2019!
I gave the video a chance and the FAX OVER FEELZ was frontloaded huh
From now on I'm going to start all potentially political statements with "lately I see a lot of political sour grapes..."
That was way higher quality than I expected after seeing the NG logo
Here in my town, it's kind of public knowledge that pretty much everything illegal goes through the Hells Angels (especially of the high caliber trinity; drugs, guns and hookers. As little as we got of the latter two, if you want any - they're your boys)

We all know where they're situated, and their club house looks exactly like you'd expect a big, criminal warehouse trying to look legit to look like.

To me, it always kind of illustrated the meticulousness of big organized crime. We all know they're there, yet they continue to be there, and continue to make bank for themselves.
We too had some escalation of the "biker wars" in the 90s, between HA and Bandidos. It all came to a halt when a civilian woman was killed, as her car was blown up by - guess what - a Carl Gustaf RPG, and the gangs were forced to make peace.

With the RPGs popping up in stories all over Scandinavia, it seems to me as if they'd all come from a single armory raid, since I doubt it'd be that easy to keep stealing RPGs over and over from military bases :I
Don't go to Sturgis, you won't last long.

An FBI organized crime specialist once said that MC gangs are the most dangerous and the most dumbest of all organized crime in US. I think he's right. I guess USA can have those organized crime gangs in their country but they should annihilated from Europe.

@Crni Vuk

More info about the 'war', if you're interested. Not sure where all the RPG's came from but at least some were stolen from the military in Sweden.
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