lolpop109 Jan 15, 2017 By the way if you have't played bully (canis canem) Then you should I would recommend it
lolpop109 Jan 15, 2017 Why you guys on here hyped for cyber punk ? What is this game and why should I buy it ?
lolpop109 Jan 6, 2017 Girl friend broke up with me while singing christmas songs. I smashed some stuff up, guess i'm kinda loner or something
Girl friend broke up with me while singing christmas songs. I smashed some stuff up, guess i'm kinda loner or something
lolpop109 Jan 6, 2017 Fucking fucked piece of broke ares shit, you where working fine a mintue a fucking go
lolpop109 Dec 28, 2016 I guess the Christmas update isn't coming out as I currently working on something that isn't finished. Think its going to be quite big
I guess the Christmas update isn't coming out as I currently working on something that isn't finished. Think its going to be quite big
lolpop109 Dec 15, 2016 I'm really into the witcher now ! Gota be honest was't at frist but know its really got my hooked. Side mission are dark and well written
I'm really into the witcher now ! Gota be honest was't at frist but know its really got my hooked. Side mission are dark and well written