Recent content by Malky

  1. M

    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    What do you mean by backstory, in any case? "Dreary" isn't much of a complaint, it's a pretty dark tale and people don't usually complain about that kind of stuff. Would you have preferred that every scene take place during the day? Doesn't really work thematically. Maybe it just wasn't for you...
  2. M

    The Expendables(2010)...Greatest movie ever to be made?

    Arnold's muscles have little to nothing to do with his acting ability. Stallone is still ripped as fuck, here is a picture of him with his fake tattoos for The Expendables: I take it you didn't see Rocky Balboa or Rambo. They were both terrific.
  3. M

    The Expendables(2010)...Greatest movie ever to be made?

    Seriously, what is with people not understanding hyperbole on the internet? Arnold still has it. Besides, it's just a cameo. Also, Stallone has been fucking great lately. He dropped off for a while but Rocky Balboa and Rambo are the best sequels in each series. Rambo fucking ruled, and...
  4. M

    The Expendables(2010)...Greatest movie ever to be made?

    You are a faggot. You've seen a cast as awesome as this together on film before? Please, tell me where, so I can find the DVD and order a hundred copies of it.
  5. M

    The Expendables(2010)...Greatest movie ever to be made?

    You guys are a bunch of fucking pussies if you aren't into this. I like Kubrick and Herzog and Von Trier as much as the next guy, but come the fuck on. Stallone. Arnold. Statham. Li. Lundgren. MICKEY FUCKING ROURKE. Balls to the wall action directed and written by an extraordinarily...
  6. M

    Criterion Collection

    The special edition Goodfellas transfer isn't bad at all, and Raging Bull and Taxi Driver have had really nice re-releases over the past few years. The current editions both look and sound great and have terrific features. Mean Streets could use a Criterion treatment, if anything.
  7. M

    The Expendables(2010)...Greatest movie ever to be made?

    This will be the greatest movie ever filmed.
  8. M

    Criterion Collection

    The Magnificent Ambersons is terrific, I'd really like a DVD of this. I've been on a Jean-Pierre Melville kick lately, Le Samourai is simply fantastic and I'm working my way through the rest of his work. I'll be watching Le Deuxième Souffle this week and hopefully Le Circle Rouge.
  9. M

    PA film "9"

    I like the short film a lot. Burton isn't involved with this in any aspect aside from Producing it, same with Bekmambetov (while I hated Night and Day Watch, I thought Wanted was a fabulous action flick). Should be fun. The voice cast is great. Oh, and that Coheed song rules.
  10. M

    Criterion Collection

    It has a slipcase with a picture of Renn pulling himself into the TV. Pull the slipcase off and it's a Betamax cassette case with a post-it note that says "Long live the new flesh!" Pretty fucking rad.
  11. M

    Criterion Collection

    So true. I have a decent selection of Criterions: Seven Samurai The Seventh Seal Sid and Nancy Dead Ringers Brazil Yojimbo Sanjuro The Last Temptation of Christ Chasing Amy The Rock The Royal Tenenbaums Man Bites Dog Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Videodrome (probably my...
  12. M

    Why is no one talking about the Watchmen trailer?

    I can't see Snyder changing the ending, considering he's striving to be as accurate as possible. [spoiler:fb215f8b7d]The ending that was tested in the Portland screening was not the squid ending, but it was still a pretty plausible and decent change. I won't cry myself to death if the...
  13. M

    $300-400 computer upgrades, or *gasp* a console?

    ...and this is different from the PC, how?
  14. M

    $300-400 computer upgrades, or *gasp* a console?

    For $400 you can buy a 360 and have $200 leftover to spend on booze. Don't be a fucking nerd-tool, consoles > PCs.
  15. M

    Tron 2

    I'm for this. The teaser shown at Comic-Con was mind-blowingly awesome and I think they can do some great stuff with the evolution of computers and the internet since the time of the original. Plus - Jeff Bridges. I mean, come on. Jeff Bridges.