Recent content by mef

  1. mef

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    I think it's going to be a mixture between piss and shit. I'm not sure why you guys are even following the news on this, you know it will be bad and have barely any connection to Fallout
  2. mef

    Fallout: Yesterday - Demo available

    unexpected great news! i'll check it out when i have some free time
  3. mef

    Project Van Buren

    i too prefer this retro-style graphics, a good decision
  4. mef

    Fallout 76 Wastelander add-on released

    I think that's okay. Fallout 2 had some instances like that, e.g. with enough luck, you could "hack" a terminal in San Francisco by slamming your hand on the keyboard
  5. mef

    CD-Action Fallout 3 preview

    :grin: I remember buying this issue back in 2007 for the info on F3 and I found the article rather silly, they made some stupid points like that, e.g. you can play this just like a turn-based game thanks to the VATS system. They also reviewed this game when it came out, rated it 8/10 and...
  6. mef

    Fallout 76 Wastelander add-on released

    on the biggest german fallout forum everyone is praising this game and claim that they have lots of fun with it. i don't get it but that's the way things are
  7. mef

    Fallout 76 Wastelander add-on released

    I don't think Bethesda has to buy positive reviews. This game still has a large community of fans who like it
  8. mef

    Courier Names

    i leave the default "Courier" name :shrug:
  9. mef

    BROKEN ROADS - Narrative driven post-apoc-Australia turn-based RPG

    made my day. i guess people who played fallout as kids are in their 20s now and are making games on their own, thus so many video game goodness ensued in the recent years
  10. mef

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    that super mutant looks spot on :smile:
  11. mef

    ATOM RPG - Now with isometric view!

    maybe i'm blind but the building drawing looks completely different to me than the tent and the arrows are positioned differently :shrug:
  12. mef

    Creetosis's Response to "Fallout 3 is better than you think" By MATN

    thanks for the info, i really enjoyed the first one
  13. mef

    NMA Fallout 3 preview and Q&A

    an interesting read after all those years. many points of critique were raised before F3 was even released
  14. mef

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    it's funny how F76 has so few loyal players left and beth decides to test how far can they go with fucking with them
  15. mef

    Why are you people still wasting your time bitching about Fallout?

    I partially agree. I wish actual new Fallout games that Risewild named were more popular here instead of Fallout 76 and all that garbage On the other hand, Fallout 3 was so bad it still echoes after over a decade