Prone Squanderer Feb 9, 2017 Don't try to stop me this time Smee don't you dare try to stop me this time-Smee try to stop me.
Prone Squanderer Feb 7, 2017 Chinese assault rifle in New Vegas using S.T.A.L.K.E.R firing sounds = badass
Prone Squanderer Feb 4, 2017 I stay out of politics because so many think they know it all when in actual fact they're just as full of shit as the ones they're against.
I stay out of politics because so many think they know it all when in actual fact they're just as full of shit as the ones they're against.
Prone Squanderer Feb 1, 2017 Funny how when I find a fault with some work I'm told "It's ok send it" yet if it was my work it would be stopped + I'd be bollocked for it.
Funny how when I find a fault with some work I'm told "It's ok send it" yet if it was my work it would be stopped + I'd be bollocked for it.
Prone Squanderer Jan 31, 2017 Terrorism is the threat and/or use of violence to achieve a goal. It's not exclusive to a particular group, anyone is capable of it.
Terrorism is the threat and/or use of violence to achieve a goal. It's not exclusive to a particular group, anyone is capable of it.
Prone Squanderer Jan 30, 2017 Does anyone else have a particular song they cannot stop listening to, bringing them even closer and closer to total insanity?
Does anyone else have a particular song they cannot stop listening to, bringing them even closer and closer to total insanity?
Prone Squanderer Jan 24, 2017 I've just stumbled onto this classic gem. "all game devs cater to minorities these days, thats why so many triple A games suck ass."
I've just stumbled onto this classic gem. "all game devs cater to minorities these days, thats why so many triple A games suck ass."
Prone Squanderer Jan 24, 2017 Some spambots are using big jug avatars now. I'm surprised they didn't try it sooner.
Prone Squanderer Jan 22, 2017 In stealth games (especially when trying to avoid kills/knockouts) there's always that one fucking guard who never gets out of the way.
In stealth games (especially when trying to avoid kills/knockouts) there's always that one fucking guard who never gets out of the way.
Prone Squanderer Jan 15, 2017 Please YouTube, stop recommending "Fallout 4 - Sarcastic Jerk" to me. I got more laughs from shooting the Boulder City Memorial.
Please YouTube, stop recommending "Fallout 4 - Sarcastic Jerk" to me. I got more laughs from shooting the Boulder City Memorial.
Mr Fish Jan 5, 2017 Congrats on lasting a year on this forum. I'd give you a fishstick but I pushed it too deep and now I can't get it out of my ass.
Congrats on lasting a year on this forum. I'd give you a fishstick but I pushed it too deep and now I can't get it out of my ass.
Prone Squanderer Jan 4, 2017 I bought Fallout 1 on Steam the other day and on the receipt it says "Fallout Bethesda." I don't know whether to be mad or sad.
I bought Fallout 1 on Steam the other day and on the receipt it says "Fallout Bethesda." I don't know whether to be mad or sad.
Prone Squanderer Dec 31, 2016 I was given an Amazon Echo for Christmas and I swear it's listening, even when "muted". On an unrelated note I need to buy some tin foil.
I was given an Amazon Echo for Christmas and I swear it's listening, even when "muted". On an unrelated note I need to buy some tin foil.
Prone Squanderer Dec 23, 2016 YouTube recommended a video to me on how to draw breasts. Uhh, I can explain.