Prone Squanderer
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  • Since I cannot leave this planet, I think I'll get a submarine instead.
    just one fap? also the ocean is scary why would you wanna go there?
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    I've got work tomorrow, can't over-fap or I'll be too tired.

    Yeah it is scary, especially after playing SOMA.
    Deleted member 93956
    It made the depths scary without recurring much to "damn big sea monsters" or corpses instead, rather natural things like pressure and tidal storms... And THAT angler fish
    I stay out of politics because so many think they know it all when in actual fact they're just as full of shit as the ones they're against.
    Terrorism is the threat and/or use of violence to achieve a goal. It's not exclusive to a particular group, anyone is capable of it.
    Deleted member 98605
    Terrorism is the threat or use of violence against *civilians* to enact political or social change. A gang of raiders setting fire to the fields and whipping the farmers to give the mayor a message or to cower the town into submission can be bloody terrorism. It's on the fast track to being a worthless word such as Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Freedom, Liberty.
    threat or violence to achieve a goal? parents are, by defintion, terrorists then.
    Deleted member 98605
    Again, specifically political ones, but that definition is very descriptive - nearly every political entity has done the damn thing, from NGO to Hyperpowers. It's a worthless word more often than not.
    I've just stumbled onto this classic gem. "all game devs cater to minorities these days, thats why so many triple A games suck ass."
    CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    That and Brian Delaney sounded like he was sleepwalking. Courtney Taylor did a much better job.
    Whose quote is that even? It sounds familiar but I can't quite link it to an user.
    Both COurtney Taylor and Delaney sounded bored and dull, neither was actually good at all.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    Sorry for the late response, I saw it on Gamefaqs by a Serene_Colors. The first part of the quote that I couldn't fit on was "All they know is that a very loud mouthed minority is what did not like it."
    Congrats on lasting a year on this forum. I'd give you a fishstick but I pushed it too deep and now I can't get it out of my ass.
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    Reactions: Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    Yeah I'm not falling for that one again.

    Thanks, I plan to stick around. I like it here (even if everyone is a bloody lunatic).
    So that is why they are called "Fishsticks"!
    I bought Fallout 1 on Steam the other day and on the receipt it says "Fallout Bethesda." I don't know whether to be mad or sad.
    Haha, Bethesda's "Ministry of Truth" came to that decision
    I guess maybe sad I mean they make money of the game now. However I think those who made the game are okay for money after other success etc. I don't think the Devs are greedy and need money tbh shame same can't be said of bethesda. If you're really into the game you know who made it and that what counts.
    Wait, isn't the logo/name-showing meant to also represent distribution? Because if so, it is (sadly) correct. It's like when "Disney Presents" Studio Ghibli animations. It looks like they're hijacking it, but they *are* the distributors in the West, and as such, the label is (sadly) absolutely correct.
    I was given an Amazon Echo for Christmas and I swear it's listening, even when "muted". On an unrelated note I need to buy some tin foil.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    I heard about that. I knew the police were asking Amazon for recordings but I didn't realize they got them in the end. I bet one day there will be telescreen technology of some kind.
    Not sure if they actually released it yet, but yeah, bad shit. I fear that we will get telescreen technology and that we will put in our homes willingly because it's so convenient.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    We already have laptops with built-in cameras and microphones, mobile phones have GPS locators too.
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