just tossed in my plegde.
just wondering if anyone knows, will the game be sent as a gift on steam when its done?
also hoping they take players new to the universe into account, was 4 years old when wasteland came out, not exactly an easy game to find an play nowadays.
It way to early to tell if it will look like this, probably just something the devs threw together for the magazine or its fake.
They cant be so confused that they include the M4 in Fallout, no way!
Cannot be Tycho, has to be long dead by this time. The game is probably set after fallout 2, since the NCR has extended itself all the way to Nevada.
As for the guy in the video, what looked like an N to begin with now looks like it says "A7", along with the (7) on the helmet.
Gotta be either between fallout 1 - 2, but probably after fallout 2 because of the NCR flag at the end there...
Dont know what to say, the Nod trooper there did not look to "fallouty".
Well most of her mods seems to be about adding "dangly bits" to male characters and making them do stuff one does not usually see in a fallout or elder scrolls game...
Frankly her art is pretty "meh". Nothing special really.
Dont wanna go exploring New Vegas with mr. mankini here, so kinda...