Crni Vuk said:
I saw those pictures, too.
They are just as amaterish as the b/w "Aerosmith and the villain from the Twilight movie are about to mug a hooker" picture.
I think you did not understand, I said that I have a clue what art (artistic skill) is.
And I can say for shure that her skill is mediocre at best.
And considering your accusation that I chose a single picture of her: don't try to pull strawmen an me, mhkay?
And yes I have expirienced art in in dozens of museums worldwide. I have been making art (Graffiti, Taping, Photography, Assemblages: and so on) this does not mean that I have more right to claim that slofs products ain't art than, lets say someones Grandma. And yes have had my art displayed in public, still I would not call myself an artist since a lot of hte people I know have more talent and produce better art than I do.
Btw. I am not going to argue with you what art is and what isn't but I still claim that slof's drawing skill is lacking.
Beelzebud said:
You don't have to be an artist to have an opinion on art.
At the same time you have to realize that your opinion is subjective, and so is art. What you find 'bad', others may like a lot.
This argument was never about the definition about art itself but about the skill itself.
There is a difference between drawing an ugly picture on purpose and not being able to draw better.