TES Fixer-Upper to Help Make F:NV

You don't have to be an artist to have an opinion on art.

At the same time you have to realize that your opinion is subjective, and so is art. What you find 'bad', others may like a lot.
Crni Vuk said:

I saw those pictures, too.

They are just as amaterish as the b/w "Aerosmith and the villain from the Twilight movie are about to mug a hooker" picture.

I think you did not understand, I said that I have a clue what art (artistic skill) is.

And I can say for shure that her skill is mediocre at best.

And considering your accusation that I chose a single picture of her: don't try to pull strawmen an me, mhkay?

And yes I have expirienced art in in dozens of museums worldwide. I have been making art (Graffiti, Taping, Photography, Assemblages: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assemblage_(art) and so on) this does not mean that I have more right to claim that slofs products ain't art than, lets say someones Grandma. And yes have had my art displayed in public, still I would not call myself an artist since a lot of hte people I know have more talent and produce better art than I do.

Btw. I am not going to argue with you what art is and what isn't but I still claim that slof's drawing skill is lacking.


Beelzebud said:
You don't have to be an artist to have an opinion on art.

At the same time you have to realize that your opinion is subjective, and so is art. What you find 'bad', others may like a lot.

This argument was never about the definition about art itself but about the skill itself.

There is a difference between drawing an ugly picture on purpose and not being able to draw better.
iii said:
And considering your accusation that I chose a single picture of her: don't try to pull strawmen an me, mhkay?
And still you have exactly chose that picture where even I have to agree that its not that great of quality in its look. But again. It tells nothing about the kind of skills she possess.

Slof has a quite big fan base and lot of people that seem to like the look of her art. I can remember there are many artists which have really gained fame only after their death. But its just to make a point. I just doubt that the way you present her art here is the correct way to explain it would be mediocre or what ever else. It seems to me that you're more critical not cause of her quality but simply cause you just dont like her style or something in it. I am not sure. Maybe I am wrong with that idea.

You know Graffiti is something that leaves me as absolutely cold and something I would call mediocre at best, a street art ( and I know many artschools in Germany dont have much liking for that either as they dont accept that as portfolio anymore). But does it mean those people dont have skill in what they do? Or that they dont have great artistic skills cause I find it mediocre.
iii said:

Hell yes. This drawing would work just perfectly as a panel in a comic, for instance.

All in all I find this whole discussion quite ridiculous, seeing as how civilization as a whole has yet to come up with a clear definition of what art is.
Well most of her mods seems to be about adding "dangly bits" to male characters and making them do stuff one does not usually see in a fallout or elder scrolls game...

Frankly her art is pretty "meh". Nothing special really.

Dont wanna go exploring New Vegas with mr. mankini here, so kinda hope she does not get hired by the dev team...


Howdy :ugly:
Geez. How did a thread about Oscuro working on a new Fallout title get derailed into arguing about Slof?

Since I've been playing with OOO as part of FCOM for a while now, I must say that I'm pleased Jorge will be working on a Fallout game. He has impressive experience and success using the Gamebryo engine and Beth's software kits. He's got a rare knack/skill for balance issues, consistency and coherence across a large gameworld. And he's got imagination. There are very few mods out there with the same ambitious scope as OOO, and even fewer of those get finished at all, let alone with any sense of polish and competency.

Nice to have good news relating to Fallout for once.

frosty_theaussie said:
Misteryo said:
Geez. How did a thread about Oscuro working on a new Fallout title get derailed into arguing about Slof?

Godwin's Law (But with Boners and Bishie hair)

Anyway, I hope Oscuro does a good job of balancing this game and adding good ideas. Beth is missing out on a really good modder.
Crni Vuk said:
You are experienced in art? Or making mods? If yes. Please share. Its always easy to criticise. And I have to be honest and say that I am NOT a fan of Slofs art or mods. But that are my personal taste and feelings. That doesnt mean that her work has "no quality" or that she is not capable of making great content when you commission her. Criticism is a interesting thing. Many confuse that with personal taste. Even if Slofs work is not my taste I admire the quality in her work as she has pretty good artistic skills.
I think that her retextures of living stuff is good but I don't think much of a lot of her clothing, though she does seem to be improving. Her geiger armor and most recent pack look good, though her love of skimpy male armor tends to make the armor look like it's pieces of finished stuff with no finished armor connecting it together. Also, I'm not a fan of female clothing for males, it just doesn't look good.

Crni Vuk said:
Slof has no skill in art correct?
She's either a skilled amateur or a bad professional, take your pick. She's hardly at the top of the chart as far as skill level goes. I don't think much of her vampire art but, to be fair to her, she's emulating a style which I've seen used in a fair amount of vampire art that I don't much like. Use her art that attempts to capture stuff like anatomy and look real to determine her skill level.
Well its not like I want to say that her art is the new Van Gogh or that she has the same skill in the understanding about human anatomy like either Da Vainci or Michelangelo.

I just say that one should really not judge someomes artistic skills on a single work or the number of boners in the art ... :shock: :P
Crni Vuk said:
Again: I am absolutely value-free about the content of her work, I don't care about the boners, vampires and misc. fantasy stuff.

What I criticise is the execution of her art. If here "fans" would give her more constructive criticism than maybe she would progress a bit more in her technique. She does not seem to have any problems with correct proportions and lighting in her renders, so why do her drawings and paintings look like a product from a highschool student.

But you are right, this probably is a question about taste since her fans seem to care more about the content...

I don't think that the hype is justified, she is an amateur at best with good 3D modelling skills. There is no need to defend and praise her like the 2nd Dali.

Btw. If your Graffiti is exceptional and executed in an interesting way art schools don't mind it beeing part of your portfolio. How about you? Are you interested in art history? How many museums have you visited? Thats what I am so critical about her if somebody wants tell me that her work is great and memorable art.

And for freddy's sake I could have chosen this picture to illustrate my point:

or this one


Anyway, I am not going to derail this thread any longer (maybe one should vat our discussion) if you think that we have to discuss this more feel free to write me a private message.
what I've seen here looks very amateurish and no better than your average Deviant Art user. in fact, most people I've seen on there are better than this. and yes, this goes for the 3D stuff I've seen too.
How about starting a diffrent thread about art or something? Geez.

Anyway, does anyone know how to contact this dude (I mean the Oblivion Modder dude)?
Crni Vuk said:
what kind of changes has he applied to Oblivion, just out of curiousity ?

Comprehensive game balance and leveling retooling of the vanilla system. Plus new quests, new places. There's a lot there. Take a gander at the readme linked.

Wow! Be reading much of this, seems like Oblivion should have used much of this right away from day 1 when it was released :shock:

Of course it still doesnt fix that the game is more or less just a fed-ex simualtor (get item A to B, Kill person C for D etc. ... ). But at least gameplay sounds a lot more interesting now.