Recent content by Shattering Fast

  1. S

    Why do so many people here think First Person excludes RPG?

    Some people happen to enjoy a little freedom in their roleplaying - myself included. Like I said, it's all about your priorities. Genre norms change, for better or for worse. Saying yesterday's form of roleplaying is somehow more legitimate than today's is like saying "rock n' roll" from the...
  2. S

    Why do so many people here think First Person excludes RPG?

    That was the implication, yes. A Big Guns specialist with a low STR stat is going to have a tougher time than a Big Guns specialist with a moderate to high strength stat. It's common sense. Let's say that a high END remains a constant, and the character had the stats that would have been...
  3. S

    Sulik has the greatest dialog of all games

    Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of the voice credits for any of the Fallout games, but didn't Adler voice segments of The Master's voice? You know, the clipped, vicious portion? Also, I remember he voiced the trio's instructor in the Nickelodeon cartoon, Ah...
  4. S

    Why do so many people here think First Person excludes RPG?

    Well, I guess that would vary with your definition of meaningful roleplay. Are you a level-grinder or a story-builder? Different people get different things out of roleplaying games. Personally, I can think of no reason to build a character's stats "meaningfully" if the concept behind him or...
  5. S

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    Interesting. I wish I was playing the PC version so I could play with the GECK more.
  6. S

    The real issues with Fallout 3, in my opinion.

    Then again, he was from an entirely different tribe than the Arroyo tribals...perhaps it began as some sort of Rasta commune, blended with elements from voodoo and Santeria (hence the ancestor worship)...
  7. S

    Why do so many people here think First Person excludes RPG?

    I'd like to see video of someone doing just that: completeing the main quest and side quests bare-fisted, with 1 END (I assume you meant END, as it is the stat that governs HtH - correct me if I'm wrong), on Very Hard (the default difficulty whenever I play). If there's a way to do it, I...
  8. S

    Why do so many people here think First Person excludes RPG?

    Re: Why do so many people here think First Person excludes R Your general impression of the good members of NMA is that they believe Fallout 3 to be a good game...? Seperate from its predessesors, but "good", nonetheless? Surely, you jest? Surely? Are you serious? Oof. How does...
  9. S

    What left the footprint in the desert?

    You guys know what I'm talking about - that giant footprint that you randomly find in the desert in F1, with a pathetic, little peasant found squashed at its center. What do you think left this print? Why is there only one? Did a giant, hopping monster leave it, and then proceed to make...
  10. S

    Most Creatively Evil thing done in Fallout

    I did this under a nuetral-play character. To this day, it remains as one of the most unwarranted acts of violence I have enacted upon a people. That is, I accepted the missions set forth for me by the Blades and the Gunrunners in the LA Boneyard - supply the Blades, clear a path for the...
  11. S

    Why do so many people here think First Person excludes RPG?

    Re: Why do so many people here think First Person excludes R Ouch, ya got me, hoss! My evil plot to undermine the debate...foiled again! In all seriousness, though: in the debate over whether Fallout 3 is a true "Fallout" title - taking into question it's FP perspective, it's lack of...
  12. S

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    Well, the mission isn't really about changing the entirety of the world you live in, so much as playing along with Moira's little quixotic quest. Will the survival guide change the wasteland for the better? Maybe, in tiny episodic bursts (such as the random encounter of the NPC who knows exactly...
  13. S

    Why do so many people here think First Person excludes RPG?

    Re: Why do so many people here think First Person excludes R "Fallout 3 is not an RPG because it is in first-person!" "A true RPG cannot be in first person because the first Fallout was isometric!" To most of the people on this forum, that argument is reason enough to revile F3. Let's...
  14. S

    FO3 encounter; did this happen to anyone else?

    I've only ever seen my opponents scavenge discarded weapons, not armor. Fascinating.
  15. S

    Vanished into thin air!

    Fallout 3 is, in many ways, an attempt at introducing a new generation of gamers to an older franchise. Love it or hate it, Fallout 3 was not made exclusively for the old guard. So much of the reiteration in the game stems from Bethesda's attempt at a crash course for new fans into the Fallout...