Recent content by SkuLL

  1. SkuLL

    Congrats on winning all those awards, buddy! Always believed in you.

    Congrats on winning all those awards, buddy! Always believed in you.
  2. SkuLL

    Armoured talking heads

    Holy shit, just noticed this thread. Amazing work guys, truly a great addition to Fallout 2.
  3. SkuLL

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    What? You wanna make me play Fallout 2 again again? Sure! :D Welcome back.
  4. SkuLL

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Would it be difficult to create another Hero appearance, identical to Sulik's current appearance (and changing Sulik to Baldie)? I like the tribal look, the bare feet, etc. and I'd like to play as that character. It fits pretty well, seeing as various characters in the game refer to your looks...
  5. SkuLL

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    I tried all different options (compatibility modes mainly). Turns out the culprit was my laptop power settings. I basically have 3 modes: Battery Saver, Entertainment Mode and High Performace. Switching to High Performance significantly speeds up the fade-in / fade-out. Which is...
  6. SkuLL

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    This is a long shot, but has anyone been able to figure out how to deal with the slow fade-in / fade-out? It takes me around 5 seconds to fade in and out during moments like using First Aid.
  7. SkuLL

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    I am downloading the open Beta now, mainly because I really feel like playing F2 and I don't know how long before the 'official' release. Just wanted to say thanks to killap and everyone else who participated by tirelessly searching for, and reporting, bugs!
  8. SkuLL

    Which mods/patches for Fallout 1&2?

    Oh snap! Too easy! Thanks for the quick reply, Oppen. :ok:
  9. SkuLL

    Which mods/patches for Fallout 1&2?

    It's been a long time since I played FALLOUT 2. Any tips on what files I should get? I'm getting the latest Restoration Project by killap, do I still need other patches like the Unofficial Patch, the Children Patch, the Resolution Patch and so on? Or are they included in killap's RP?
  10. SkuLL

    Google+ Appreciation Station

    Anyone remember when Gmail came out? Was pretty hard to get invites at first, some didn't even believe it - how could they provide over 1 GB of storage? That was around the time when Hotmail would offer like 3 MB. Good times. :) But I'm not into this social networking thing. Google is for...
  11. SkuLL

    Boredom Busters

    Reddit? I find it has enough sub-sections, so I can always find something new / funny / interesting, usually before I see it on other sites. It is a time-consuming website though (hard to close).
  12. SkuLL


    How much damage have the Lulz guys actually done? I'm asking because I wanna know how much they could potentially be charged with and how much actual provable harm they've caused to their victims and their clients.
  13. SkuLL


    What's 'Anonymous'? How do you team up with it/them? I always assumed that was just a word to express 'the hive mind' or 'anonymous people of the Internet', not an actual group. I know nothing of this 'underground' world (though it seems to be pretty open knowledge) and even less about...
  14. SkuLL


    I don't think they're are doing anything that can in any way be described as 'useful'. 'Get your shit together' is barely a message, (and pretty fucking redundant at that considering it's the Internet). It's like a guy who robs customers right outside the supermarket, but somehow gets...
  15. SkuLL

    Battlefield 3 preorder DLC boycott.

    Looks like they caved. :lol: