Recent content by The Doctor

  1. The Doctor

    What Will Fallout 76's Failures Mean for Fallout 5?

    Fallout: Hawaii better let us finally fight monsters from the deep The Red Death in Far Harbor wasn't enough - all it did was make me eager for more
  2. The Doctor

    What Will Fallout 76's Failures Mean for Fallout 5?

    Nothing, because Fallout 76 isn't a main series entry title and has zero impact on actual single-player Fallout games being made.
  3. The Doctor

    Is fallout dry?

    Fallout is whatever you make of it. Every game has its ups and downs, and a lot of people's fond memories come from the goofy things that they came across, either intentionally or by accident
  4. The Doctor

    So which does NMA think is more important: worldbuilding or the overall experience?

    Where's the "yes" option? They sorta feed into one another - a good experience encourages you to look around and uncover more while worldbuilding (usually) tends to give a better experience
  5. The Doctor

    Things Fallout 76 did right 1#: The Brotherhood of Steel

    A lot of creatures seen shortly after the bombs fell went extinct by the time 3, NY, & 4 take place 200 years later and people still haven't rebuilt society and instead make synthetic gorillas and cows It boggles the mind
  6. The Doctor

    Fallout 76 Patch Notes – December 11, 2018 - OMG this is hilarious

    Whoops, can't have people being kind and helpful to everyone - better fix it to encourage everyone being selfish douchecanoes
  7. The Doctor

    Fallout 76 Patch Notes – December 11, 2018 - OMG this is hilarious

    Boy, everyone just now joining 76 is in for a rough time while those that bought it Day One now have an advantage due to not being gimped by less exp and ammo drops We're, what, a month after launch and Bethesda's already garroting 76? This is a glorious train wreck, and the salt goes great...
  8. The Doctor

    Does Fallout 76 have a story?

    Pretty much every faction has their own quest story you piece together from holotapes, terminals, and environmental storytelling There's no actual storyline railroading you to anything however, so you can partake in the Fallout tradition of wandering off into the unknown and find things for...
  9. The Doctor

    What is the proper solution to Tenpenny Tower

    I mean, you get the very handy Ghoul Mask for killing the Tenpenny residents, and you can pretty much loot everything they would have made you pay for, so... Probably best to side with the Ghouls at first, help them kill everyone, then kill the Ghouls once you have the mask Then make Tenpenny...
  10. The Doctor

    Fallout 3 Insidious Morality

    Do everything there is to do in Megaton, then nuke it Then let Roy and his gang slaughter Tenpenny, then slaughter them in turn
  11. The Doctor

    Fallout 76

    I can finally play as a full-fledged Raider, going around, being evil, and screwing up Settlements I didn't build About time
  12. The Doctor

    How come Fallout 1 and 2 aren't more popular when New Vegas is?

    Yeah, 3/NV pretty much have a "How do you want to solve this?" and lets you use various skills to pull it off, like being able to perform Brain Surgery successfully with low INT and high LUCK "How did you do that?" "I have no idea."
  13. The Doctor

    How come Fallout 1 and 2 aren't more popular when New Vegas is?

    Yeah, there's that aspect that stumps a lot of people trying to get into isometric games. Way too many steps to get to the solution.
  14. The Doctor

    How come Fallout 1 and 2 aren't more popular when New Vegas is?

    The early games have their own charm, but there's a little bit of messing around to get used to them. Once you overcome that hurdle, they're pretty solid titles. I like them more for the story/lore than gameplay.
  15. The Doctor

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Don't remember if I posted in here But oh well Been replaying Jedi Academy and Outcast for the hundredth time; these games never get old As for newer games, I've been playing Dust: An Elysian Tail and I will shortly be trying my hand at Deus Ex: Human Revolution