Recent content by Todd Howard's #1 Fan

  1. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

    I'd hate to pull you back into reality so abruptly, but let me politely inform you sir that New Vegas would not exist without the brilliant mind of Todd Howard, who breathed life into the Fallout franchise. And let me also remind you that the franchise was abandoned at the time of Fallout 3's...
  2. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Wasteland Workshop trailer revealed; Pokemon fans wet themselves

    Whirling dervish, While I respect your opinion, I disagree with what you said about Fallout 4 STEALING ideas from other AAA titles. The reason Fallout 4 is commonly viewed by countless gaming communities as a master-class title is due to the fact Bethesda IMPLEMENTED creme of the crop aspects of...
  3. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Wasteland Workshop trailer revealed; Pokemon fans wet themselves

    Excuse me I have to make a comment here. Allow me to correct some of the users here: There are no strict set of rules that a Fallout game should abide by in order to be a "true" or "proper" Fallout game. The wasteland workshop will be an unprecedented slam-dunk because it's tapping into the...
  4. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    'Todd this you talkin' or the explosions?'
  5. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Good riddance. Skill points served an antiquated purpose in perhaps 90s renditions of the franchise, but in modern gaming they're just a hassle to the player. Glad to see that's now streamlined in a more efficient and ergonomic manner. In my opinion skill points have absolutely no place in a...
  6. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer
  7. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    As psyched as I am to behold the unveiling of Fallout 4's first ever gameplay footage (which will in all likelihood be narrated by Todd Howard at E3), I think Bethesda would be overlooking a couple of "fat men" in the room if some critical story elements are not discussed. 1.) Tying up...
  8. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    Patience, brother. They will all join our flock in due time.
  9. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    Let's all take a moment to recognize without the monumental efforts of Todd and his AAA-quality dream team, this humble little community wouldn't exist. The Fallout franchise wouldn't exist. Bethesda took an obscure 90s title and turned it into a nation-wide phenomena. 6/3/15 was historic. Those...
  10. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Bethesda teases Fallout 4 announcement

    Todd Howard, I want to know you personally. You created the Fallout franchise for our sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Let us pray once more for the swift arrival of Fallout 4.
  11. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Bethesda teases Fallout 4 announcement

    "And I pray thee, loving Todd, that as Thou hast graciously given me to drink in with delight the words of Thy knowledge, so Thou wouldst mercifully grant me to attain one day to Thee, the fountain of Fallout 4 and to appear forever before Thy face."
  12. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout 4 CGI trailer pops up in resume

    While I'm baffled anyone could believe that, I respect their opinion. Truth be told, while FO3's style of writing might not be as highbrow as that of New Vegas, it presented some of the most atmospheric and detailed back-stories I've ever encountered in gaming. Take Zeta's audio captive...
  13. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Fallout 4 CGI trailer pops up in resume

    Great films show ambition. Great films breathe life into their fiction, while presenting a hero that either creates something out of what is available or dies. Fallout 3's world is one of the most unique and detailed in the industry, and FO4 will be an extension of that tradition. This film...
  14. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Destructoid wonders why Bethesda hasn't announced Fallout 4 yet

    It has simply been... too long of a wait brothers. Bethesda, you are without a doubt the last remaining company with the capacity to conjure an authentic roll-playing experience. Fallout 3 is the keystone of the RPG genre. Fallout 4 will raise the bar.