Aurelius Of Phoenix
HEY Don't Forget us Bigot!!I know that. Bethesda published it I believe. But yeah. I am excited as hell for Doom eternal

HEY Don't Forget us Bigot!!I know that. Bethesda published it I believe. But yeah. I am excited as hell for Doom eternal
Some people are suggesting that due to one of Todd Howard's interviews taken yesterday, a 'single-player' or 'personal' server will be implemented for mods. Thing is, without any human NPCs or a real story-line to follow, what's the point in Single-player. Moreover, without offline play, this game will only last as long as it's servers. I'm surprised so many people over the internet are actually supportive of this game.
I cringed when i saw people use existing factions like Followers of the Apocalypse for their stupid clans in the game.Also looking at the Fallout 76 Reddit you see shit like this...
So I'd be interested in role playing but not if half the groups will be a lost chapter of the brotherhood, or the minutemen, or the gunrunners. Seems like the role playing will be 80% cringe.
Unlikely, yeah. Given Bethesda's track record of only announcing games when they're mostly done, I'd say TES VI is coming next year in October or so.i really doubt that TES6 is going to take 4-5 years to get released
Hm, yeah, that's true. They usually don't show anything unless it's only about a year from release, but this time it's really little. Didn't know that Todd said it was only in pre-production. Could take another three or four years then.See they only showed a logo, not saying anyone is right or wrong obviously but they tend to show juust a little more than that when they actually, y'know, have anything t show. Todd Howard said that TES6 is only in pre-production and they do need dlc time for both 76 and Starfield, I doubt it's coming next year or the one after that. But each to their own I guess.
I did not mean to passively insult anyone so I'll apologize for that. I wanted to bring it up as I felt that things were a little one-sided there, however as I am just 'showing up' out of the nowhere I do accept that it was at least an unwise decision.
I always - wrongfully and very stupidly - figured that most of the "classic" Fallout fan base would be at least fairly open-minded people.
I did feel that for a community that is clearly at least interested in more sophisticated concepts and stories it'd be nice to see people come across a little less harsh.
I do want to point out that I did not want to say that the writing in Fallout 3 or 4 is good, as it isn't and I don't think that it is. I'm pretty sure I never implied otherwise but hey
I know a lot of people who are just as interested in the deeper concepts and more sophisticated writing, people who I know are way smarter than I am, and one of them prefers Fallout 3, the other two both like Fallout 4. I think you can all see where I'm going with this
Showing up out of nowhere and presenting an alternate viewpoint is absolutely fine. In fact, that's literally my M.O. here. The problem was that you peppered your post with shit like this:
Blanket accusations of being close-minded and implications that our cynicism was somehow below acceptable standards of sophistication. Intentional or not, this is not how you typically go about persuading people to change their minds. It just makes you come off as a condescending outsider. You seem like an alright guy/gal though, so I accept your apology. I in turn apologize for the severity of my response to you. I got carried away and it was definitely excessive.
You didn't, but take a look at what was said.
The way you have this phrased makes your friends sound more ignorant about game design than open minded. To me this looks like "Some really intelligent people I know believe that the linear narrative of Fallout 3 is the most complex in the series, even beating out dynamic ones like what was in New Vegas." That statement is not only measurably, objectively incorrect, but hilariously paradoxical. Maybe 'sophisticated' and 'prefers' weren't the words you wanted to use here. I think I get what you meant now that you clarified, though.
Username and the type of content typed here.I'd hate to pull you back into reality so abruptly, but let me politely inform you sir that New Vegas would not exist without the brilliant mind of Todd Howard, who breathed life into the fallout franchise. And let me also remind you that the franchise was abandoned at the time of Fallout 3's announcement. The days of obscure, experimental, and isometric turn-based niche content are over thanks to Bethesda innovating where Black Isle could not. I know this opinion is not popular here, but let's face it, we would not even be discussing fallout if not for the blood, sweat, and tears shed by Bethesda Softworks. Fallout 3 will be considered by the majority of the gaming community as the classic Fallout experience, so let's use that as a baseline for future content. Fallout 4 improved the formula in every possible way, removing the unnecessary baggage of over-complicated dialogue trees and slow-paced combat of it's predecessors. Fallout 76 can't go wrong with a team this dedicated. I know as a community it's frightening to brave new waters, but in the end we'll be playing the Fallout of our dreams.
i think most of you have kind of missed the point
notice how it's not called fallout 5. it's not meant to be part of the main series, it's just a spin-off. it's like being pissed off at fallout tactics not having meaningful dialogues and morally ambiguous choices.
I'd hate to pull you back into reality so abruptly, but let me politely inform you sir that New Vegas would not exist without the brilliant mind of Todd Howard, who breathed life into the Fallout franchise. And let me also remind you that the franchise was abandoned at the time of Fallout 3's announcement. The days of obscure, experimental, and isometric turn-based niche content are over thanks to Bethesda innovating where Black Isle could not. I know this opinion is not popular here, but let's face it, we would not even be discussing Fallout if not for the blood, sweat, and tears shed by Bethesda Softworks. Fallout 3 will be considered by the majority of the gaming community as the classic Fallout experience, so let's use that as a baseline for future content. Fallout 4 improved the formula in every possible way, removing the unnecessary baggage of over-complicated dialogue trees and slow-paced combat of it's predecessors. Fallout 76 can't go wrong with a team this dedicated. I know as a community it's frightening to brave new waters, but in the end we'll be playing the Fallout of our dreams.
Move along people nothing to see here.I'd hate to pull you back into reality so abruptly, but let me politely inform you sir that New Vegas would not exist without the brilliant mind of Todd Howard, who breathed life into the Fallout franchise. And let me also remind you that the franchise was abandoned at the time of Fallout 3's announcement. The days of obscure, experimental, and isometric turn-based niche content are over thanks to Bethesda innovating where Black Isle could not. I know this opinion is not popular here, but let's face it, we would not even be discussing Fallout if not for the blood, sweat, and tears shed by Bethesda Softworks. Fallout 3 will be considered by the majority of the gaming community as the classic Fallout experience, so let's use that as a baseline for future content. Fallout 4 improved the formula in every possible way, removing the unnecessary baggage of over-complicated dialogue trees and slow-paced combat of it's predecessors. Fallout 76 can't go wrong with a team this dedicated. I know as a community it's frightening to brave new waters, but in the end we'll be playing the Fallout of our dreams.