Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

What if Fallout 4 has such an Epic story like Todd Howard as the Vault Dweller that is cryo frozen and time travels with Dr. Who to the Land of Tamriel to find out that not only is The Bethesda Chosen One the Vault Dweller but also the Dragonborn of Tamriel at same time. But it doesn't stop there while on his Travels with Dr. Who they stop in Germany for some Wolfenstein pwnage

Aside from..All my jokes about Todd Howard being The Vault Dweller because of his egotistical wiping his ass of fallout world.
He even admitted in some Fallout interview that TES is boring generic world and Fallout is well thought out.
iso-metric/rpg vs fps/rpg vs 1994 vs 2015+ should not matter in the game as long as its true to The world Tim and his crew created.

Question is....
Why do so many Fallout 3(Todd.0 version) N00bs say well Bethesda owns Fallout and the IP "suck it up" "iso-metric fanboy" blah blah blah.
Those same types of clowns say things like "who plays fallout for the lore" "i don't care about lore as long as things to shoot up and lootz"
"immersion and moar immersion"

Yet those same types of people are complaining about the fallout 4 "immersion", art direction and graphics, the built up cities, oh and if the main character is voiced, character creation.. blah blah.

Oh WAIT...it's Todd "role-playing for retards" Howard IP now so he can do what he wants....

Do The Fallout 3(Todd.0 ver)Retard N00bs don't really realize they are in a way bitching about consistency.... er.... "Lore"

Sounds pretty hypocritical....
*Sighs* I thought to avoid this topic, but fuck it.. I completely disagree. Sure there are few FO3 fanboys (that we haven't scared off, yet) ridding the hipe train, however, they are few and easy to ignore.
I would agree if not I'm seeing the direct opposite on the very youtube vid shows FO3 fanatics screaming at one another about 'erect penises', 'jizzing in pants and noses', and when someone makes a small comment about the trailer that's 'meh', he/she is instantly told to be killed off and insulted. "Few and easy to ignore" I have to say is bullshit. Seems the more intelligent ones are quite rare in the sea of mediocrity.

Unless you mean NMA, then yeah, those idiots are rare here.

I feel it's well known that by reading Youtube comments, you're putting your own sanity and peace of mind at risk. People are out to rip the throats out of anyone who dares disagree with them there. And people just love blindly hopping aboard any hype train that comes into the station. Granted, I'm looking forward to seeing how things will progress from here, but the fact that Fallout 4 is already... 4th on Steam's best selling after only a few days, seems to at least tell me that a lot of people are just running with whatever is thrown to them.
Everything else you said is pure speculation verging on slander about a product that has not been released. You know literally nothing about this game, so all your bitching and swearing are ludicrous. Chill out before you have a fuckin stroke.

Thanks for coming out.

No, sorry. It's not speculation "verging on slander". It's called a calculated opinion. Has Bethesda dumbed down RPG elements in both TES and Fallout from their original conceptions? Yes, this is a fact. Was Skyrim, their most famous, popular game, vastly more simple than it's predecessor? Yes, this is a fact. Was it easier for a more diverse audience of all types to get into the game because it was so simple, as not to drive away with complexity or obscurity? This is a commonly held conception. Now why would it stand to reason that they would abandon that model of doing things when
  1. They have been doing it for years and years
  2. They, as a large developer and business, are interested in making money first and foremost and
  3. Simplification to mediocrity, also called "mass appeal", is one of the ways to achieve the goal of more money
  4. Therefore, it is reasonable that they would do what has got them more money in the past (like dumbing down dialogue and skill system) to Fallout in order to
  5. Make more money

Furthermore, all companies operate on a limited budget, and money poured into a project is often a zero-sum game. If more money goes to making visuals and graphics look good, that is neccesarily money taken away from another, and in my opinion, more important factor instead.

That calculated, informed opinion covers the gameplay elements as to what is most likely going to be the result. Now how about what the trailer did show us? Boston as a location - I hate it. Not speculation. The cartoony color palette - I hate it. Not speculation. The dog companion being rehashed, the Wanderer wearing a vault suit being rehashed - I hate it. Not speculation. The fact that the protagonist character speaks for the first time with voice acting in the series history, strongly implying a voiced main character - I hate it. Not speculation. Etc., etc.

In any case, it's all about examining what is likely. Did they ressurect Edgar Allan Poe to write sharp, verbose dialog, or did they do what they did the last 5 times and just give it to whoever without much work being put into it? Did they expand SPECIAL with more detail and balance, or did they simplify it so more people find it accessable, after the simplified Skyrim helped make them a bajillion dollars? Use your brain when it comes to this "speculation".

Skyrim didn't sell because it was oversimplified; Skyrim sold because a hugeass picture of the Dragonborn was on every single bus and in every single subway tunnel across the country. They could've just as easily re-released something as complicated as Oblivion (heh) and it would've still sold like it was going out of fashion. There's no such thing as a hardcore game, only a good game with a neglected marketing budget. The Souls games still sell like crack in Detroit and yet they're supposedly ultra-difficult grindfests.

The reason Skyrim is shit is because they don't really care. All of their good writers have either left or been fired and anybody they had that made Morrowind has probably suffered the exact same fate. Not only that but it has nothing to do with consoles since Morrowind was released on the original Xbox as well and everybody seems to love that game.
Hey, stop piling on Todd for pumping out shallow, soulless, corporate, dumbed-down, cookie-cutter console wankfests that pander to the ADD crowd.
*Sighs* I thought to avoid this topic, but fuck it.. I completely disagree. Sure there are few FO3 fanboys (that we haven't scared off, yet) ridding the hipe train, however, they are few and easy to ignore.
I would agree if not I'm seeing the direct opposite on the very youtube vid shows FO3 fanatics screaming at one another about 'erect penises', 'jizzing in pants and noses', and when someone makes a small comment about the trailer that's 'meh', he/she is instantly told to be killed off and insulted. "Few and easy to ignore" I have to say is bullshit. Seems the more intelligent ones are quite rare in the sea of mediocrity.

Unless you mean NMA, then yeah, those idiots are rare here.

I feel it's well known that by reading Youtube comments, you're putting your own sanity and peace of mind at risk. People are out to rip the throats out of anyone who dares disagree with them there. And people just love blindly hopping aboard any hype train that comes into the station. Granted, I'm looking forward to seeing how things will progress from here, but the fact that Fallout 4 is already... 4th on Steam's best selling after only a few days, seems to at least tell me that a lot of people are just running with whatever is thrown to them.

Agree on that, though I'm insane so that may explain why I look down at the comments on every video.
But all the stuff you're referencing from older games is tongue in cheek(for a lack of a better phrase that I can think of), and the game is basically telling you that it doesn't make sense, but that you should go along with it. Compared to a lot of the fallout 3 stuff, which was not intentionally ridiculous or nonsensical, the argument doesn't really hold up. And even then, quite a few people from what I've gathered aren't too keen on that sort of humour and content. Overall, the talking brain is a matter of taste and sense of humour. Fallout 3's mistakes are just that, mistakes which break the suspension of disbelief for some people, with none of the self-awareness that excuses the former somewhat. I don't really see it as a double standard between the old games and the new, but that's my opinion.

Out of curiosity, where does something like Liberty Prime fit in with this type of thing? I imagine most disliked it here, understandably. I disliked a lot of Fallout 3 after playing the original series (used to love it, but after seeing what's wrong for myself, yeah.) What's odd is that I used to dislike the giant robot concept in my original playthrough, but after I played the originals, my opinion sorta shifted.

It doesn't seem like it's meant to be taken seriously at all. It's a giant, foot-ball throwing, over-the-top commie hating robot. In a way, I do feel like it fits in with some of the canon whackier elements of Fallout lore. But maybe it shouldn't have had the big placement it did.
I assume the Bethesda presentation at E3 will touch on the game engine, whether it's an evolved creation kit, or some new ID tech derived thing.

Can anyone tell me how the gamebyo engine change from oblivion to fallout 3, or between fallout NV and Skyrim? My guess is that whatever feature people bitched the most about Skyrim not having (whatever it is) will finally get grafted in for fallout 4. Then people will bitch about that being 4 yrs too late and then bitch that the engine doesn't include some newer thing.

It's really too bad that game companies feel like they have to rely on console sales, because some of them use it as an excuse to slack off on the graphics side.
Skyrim didn't sell because it was oversimplified; Skyrim sold because a hugeass picture of the Dragonborn was on every single bus and in every single subway tunnel across the country. They could've just as easily re-released something as complicated as Oblivion (heh) and it would've still sold like it was going out of fashion. There's no such thing as a hardcore game, only a good game with a neglected marketing budget. The Souls games still sell like crack in Detroit and yet they're supposedly ultra-difficult grindfests.
I don't think so. They seem hell bent on making an ego-trip of every title, and making the most servile and simplified product possible; to ensure that no one sees the content and draws a blank, or gets mad at the game. They try to make it pitifully simple ~or uncommonly...optional; (which means meaningless), for the specific reason of selling the to least mentality. They outright refuse to allow lies from NPCs; they go to absurd lengths to prevent surprise outcomes... the games cannot surprise you, because they won't allow it. All they are concerned with is maintaining the semi-static sandbox indefinitely; RPG aspect be damned.

Look at the hack job they did on the Fallout setting, many steps down from Fallout 2... Simplification for the elevator pitch of what Fallout's about... And anything that complicated that, got cut. So now we have a stagnant 1950's world with anachronistic technology, populated by lunatics... Instead of a future inspired by their fear, ignorance, and guesstimates of what was to come... and that the physical laws of their world bend to their awe and faith (and stupidity) about radiation and the atom bomb, and all things nuclear...

There are Reviewers that believed the game was set in the 1950's; and there are multitudes that actually believe that if it wasn't from the 50's it never happened in Fallout. :crazy:
Darn right they simplified it.

The reason Skyrim is shit is because they don't really care. All of their good writers have either left or been fired and anybody they had that made Morrowind has probably suffered the exact same fate. Not only that but it has nothing to do with consoles since Morrowind was released on the original Xbox as well and everybody seems to love that game.
But this is true enough; quite.
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<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--> What I'm most looking forward to in Fallout 4 is that the criogenic plotline and pre-war scenes are actually about the dog. In a brilliantly realized mid-game plot twist it is revealed that the dog is an Institute android cyber-dog. A pre-war dog was frozen, revived, brain-scooped, and the brain put into the cyber dog.

Once this is established, if you don't like your mandatory fully-voiced male caucasoid character, you can choose to play through to the endgame as the dog, so the annoying yappy guy in the vault suit is just another follower NPC.

"We realized we had game assets from New Vegas for dog bowls, dog treats, and dog toys, so this idea was a slam dunk!" -Todd Howard

Naturally the dog is also a specially trained "Cainine" that hunts down rogue cyber-dogs.

And, no, not as in Tim.
Alll abooooard!



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It doesn't seem like it's meant to be taken seriously at all. It's a giant, foot-ball throwing, over-the-top commie hating robot. In a way, I do feel like it fits in with some of the canon whackier elements of Fallout lore. But maybe it shouldn't have had the big placement it did.

Personally, Liberty Prime is my favorite thing about Fallout 3. If I had to choose something to appear in another game, or give kudos to Bethesda for creativity and originality, Liberty Prime is it. Even the name screams intentionally cheesy, straight out of some old Coleman Francis flick.

ChildServices said:
Skyrim didn't sell because it was oversimplified; Skyrim sold because a hugeass picture of the Dragonborn was on every single bus and in every single subway tunnel across the country. They could've just as easily re-released something as complicated as Oblivion (heh) and it would've still sold like it was going out of fashion.

While advertising almost certainly helps (can't save duds though), Skyrim was obviously designed (gameplay wise) primarily for dudebros who played Call of Duty and Madden and didn't even know what an RPG was. You got to take an axe, hit stuff with it, and become more powerful constantly. While there were elements from past games and some fan service, the actual gameplay was meant to hook FPS fans into playing an RPG without even realizing that's what it was. I myself may be over simplifying here, but you get my sentiment, don't you? It wasn't the traditional RPG audience that propelled Skyrim to those massive numbers alone.
There's free demoversion of Underrail on indiedb.com, just grab it and check out for yourself! It was love at first sight for me, got hooked immediately. Sci-fi, post-apo setting, mechanics heavily inspired by Fallout, lovely minimalistic graphics with fixed camera angle. Note that early build on indiedb.com is obsolete now, there's a lot of improvements in actual version. As for Age of Decadence, I haven't played it yet, looks like a top-notch RPG (mechanics wise) to me anyway.
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Bethesda makes RPGs for people that don't like RPGs in the first place. They are like the Mc Donalds of gaming.
I enjoyed Skyrim as a stealth game (with tons of mods, of course) with some RPG elements, kinda like Deus Ex HR. But it's true, Skyrim is not much of an RPG game, I didn't feel like my actions have much impact on the world and it's really simplified. I didn't even finish it, I gave up in that cave before the final boss, because I didn't feel like going through another boring, generic maze just to have a fight my character is not supposed to have, because he was only good in stealth (I didn't have any armor, just rags, to limit myself from going all rambo. It was fun). Still, the vanilla game is all about going around with a big sword killing stuff. Maybe this is what TES series is all about, I don't know.
If they go this way with Fallout 4, of course I will be dissapointed, but on the other hand - I don't expect anything great. I expect something tolerable. Maybe I will be surprised. I just hope it won't be as stupid as F3. Writing in Skyrim wasn't so bad and Skyrim is surely a big step up from Oblivion, so I am of good cheer, but cautiously.

There's free demoversion of Underrail on indiedb.com, just grab it and check out for yourself!
Thanks! I've been waiting for this game for quite some time and I really forgot about it.
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A nice alternative trailer that should appeal more to NMAers. Once again I am amazed how so little can do so much ..

Very few things stay the same for many years, and one of those things is my opinion, that Fallout and Fallout 2 have the best ingame soundtracks ever. How the hell did they make those games so good, i can't even replay them, because i remember ever step of the game like i played it yesterday.