Fallout 4 CGI trailer pops up in resume


But best title ever!
Videogamer.com has spotted an interesting detail on the LinkedIn resume of a freelance 3d artist working for Mirada Studios, a production company founded by Guillermo del Toro. Apparently, the company has been working on a "cinematic trailer" (presumably in CGI) for Fallout 4 from December 2014 to March 2015.

This adds further fuel to the fire of speculation, after the previous rumor from German website PCGames that claimed the game would be shown during Bethesda's E3 press conference (though it's interesting to note that, when reporting on the rumor, VG247 claimed the presentation would take place behind close doors, a detail that wasn't part of the original PC Games' report). Whether we'll actually get a gameplay presentation or not, a Fallout 4 announcement at E3 seems more and more likely.

Update: Apparently, Destructoid was contacted by a representative of Mirada Studios and asked to pull off the news, because the employee broke an NDA. This would seem to confirm the story, though the mail cited "inaccuracies".

There is still the possibility the freelancer might have misreported what game the trailer was for, but it seems pretty unlikely, and I'd have expected the Mirada Studios representative to just say so if that was the case. Obviously, you should take the news with a grain of salt, but this response just leads me to believe that Mirada Studios really is collaborating with Bethesda on a Fallout 4 trailer, and the "inaccuracies" mention serves only to muddy the waters and cover this fact.
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Now that sounds plausible. Altho I am sure the dude might have gotten in trouble for that.
Sites like Destructoid and Gematsu have been asked to take down their stories in regards to the trailer. I guess this confirms the rumor is true. :p



Update 1:20 p.m.: Mirada Studio e-mailed Gematsu this afternoon demanding this story be removed, calling it “a violation of the company NDA at Mirada and inaccurate.” That said, as we did not sign and violate NDA (but thank you kindly for letting us know that someone at Mirada did), we will not be removing this story.

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Well, if that is true, I guess that at least the intro cinematic will be good. Or it should be. In any case, will surpass FO3's intro.
Someone should have told that dude that Fallout 4 is a big thing he should keep secret for the time being lol.
Anyhow, I'm excited about the trailer. Beth games always disappoint in some form or another, but at least they usually have pretty nice trailers.
It seems someone is never getting work with Miranda studios ever again.... Maybe I could take the opportunity to send my portfolio to them hmmm....
The update isn't showing up in the article on the front page of the main website. Has it just not propagated through yet?
We could start betting on how that cinematic trailer will look like.
My guess: Starts off with an Ink Spots song, coming from a vinyl player, slowly zooming out. Into view comes a nice, cozy Boston style living room, somewhat ruined. Further zoom out of the ruined house, view of Boston, there's an android turning to the camera.
Boom, GOTY.
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Well, that's a given. Can't have Fallout without "War. War never changes".
Guess we are going to have more pointless Americana with some post apocalyptic elements instead of a post apocalyptic games with bits and pieces of Americana where appropriate.
Great films show ambition. Great films breathe life into their fiction, while presenting a hero that either creates something out of what is available or dies. Fallout 3's world is one of the most unique and detailed in the industry, and FO4 will be an extension of that tradition. This film (yes I use the word film) will not only be imperative to the Fallout story arc, it may just provide the inspiration to renovate the post-apocalyptic genre of movies back to the glory days of mad max. Expect nothing less than a tour de force that will pave the way for a whole new generation of gaming. Fallout 4 is here. The roller coaster ride is now ascending.
Because of nude mods of course.

Really, I know people can do with their games whatever they want and what should I care, but damn, everytime I see another anime-hair style mod...