If Fallout is TES w/ guns we should be expecting them to tread on the same MMOG territory they did with ESO - SOON...
I never really looked into that stupid thing, is it any good? (who am I kidding, this is Bethesda we are talking about)
If Fallout is TES w/ guns we should be expecting them to tread on the same MMOG territory they did with ESO - SOON...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but TES Online turned out to be a failure, I don't think they will do that again soonIf Fallout is TES w/ guns we should be expecting them to tread on the same MMOG territory they did with ESO - SOON...
If Fallout is TES w/ guns we should be expecting them to tread on the same MMOG territory they did with ESO - SOON...
I never really looked into that stupid thing, is it any good? (who am I kidding, this is Bethesda we are talking about)
this is actually catchy ._.
But now as I think about it, Tunnel Snakes are not as ridiculous as The Kings
Correct me if I'm wrong, but TES Online turned out to be a failure, I don't think they will do that again soonIf Fallout is TES w/ guns we should be expecting them to tread on the same MMOG territory they did with ESO - SOON...
"And I pray thee, loving Todd, that as Thou hast graciously given me to drink in with delight the words of Thy knowledge, so Thou wouldst mercifully grant me to attain one day to Thee, the fountain of Fallout 4 and to appear forever before Thy face."
That feel when you're actually using Van Buren's logo.
So, what are your bets on streamlining? What will they remove?
So, what are your bets on streamlining? What will they remove?
Probably skill stats. You'll get one stat. Gun. Then S.P.E.C.I.A.L. will be reduced to Skyrim levels with one stat for health and then one for punching things or carrying them (only one or the other though).
But entire East Coast is just retcon of Fallout1/2. Nothing new.Don't mind me, just thinking aloud:
This could be the first unique Fallout game out of the Bethesda camp. If it is in fact based on the East coast and wanders up towards Boston, there's the possibility of them diverging from FO3 (FO1 & FO2-based lore) and striking out on a brand new trajectory. Sure there are likely to be a slew of tropes that BGS likes to dial in on but wrapped in new factions and storytelling opportunities.
...also, what if this is a MMOG?
Frankly, I'd rather F4 to be a decent shooter than a poor shooter/shitty rpg mix.This might actually be better in the long run, because they might just nail the shooting part... probably not.... as even though shooting someone in the head 200 times from a distance of 3 feet is pretty funny, but it kind gets a bit dull after a while.
But entire East Coast is just retcon of Fallout1/2. Nothing new.Don't mind me, just thinking aloud:
This could be the first unique Fallout game out of the Bethesda camp. If it is in fact based on the East coast and wanders up towards Boston, there's the possibility of them diverging from FO3 (FO1 & FO2-based lore) and striking out on a brand new trajectory. Sure there are likely to be a slew of tropes that BGS likes to dial in on but wrapped in new factions and storytelling opportunities.
...also, what if this is a MMOG?
Frankly, I'd rather F4 to be a decent shooter than a poor shooter/shitty rpg mix.