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On a more serious note, however, your trend of not going to movies is not an isolated incident. Hollywood has been trash since forever. Its only now that people have been getting fed up with being given garbage on a platter. Indy isn't much better with their "oh so artsy...
I would attribute much of their short comings on time constraints, overestimation of the project at hand and their contractors bending them over a railing at every chance. KOTOR II fell into the same trap that New Vegas fell into with Lucas Arts pushing them to a Christmas release thus making...
I've been thinking about this for a little bit and I'd like to post my thoughts. I feel as though that there is a meta narrative of New Vegas that went over many people's heads.
Let me start with the main theme of New Vegas which is letting go and beginning again (one of the main themes at the...
>The year is 2029
>E3 rolls around with every games "journo" being invited to Todd "Have you bought Fallout 6 yet" Howard's panel
>"I am pleased to announce"
>Gasps are heard from the crowd with several members passing out from a lack of oxygen and brain cells
>"Fallout: New Vegas 2"
I'd like to think the NCR would constantly be pushing for more patriotism and enlistment like it's some 1984 hellscape.
"In other news, water reserves have increased by 10%. That is a 2 point rate increase from 12% earlier this week."
"NCR soldiers have taken several territories once held by...
Especially if the assassin were to pull out a .44 magnum and shout "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS" before shooting him in the face and slaughtering his personal guard. Just saying.
1. I thought the vending machines were pretty strange, even for Fallout. (It's basically sci-fi alchemy)
2. Are you talking about the Transportalponder? I thought they explained it well with how the Think Tank are super geniuses.\
3. I suspect that had to do with time constraints.
4. Well...
Also, I forgot. If you want more variety in weaponry, get Classic Fallout Weapons. It brings back all of the weapons (and a few armors, I believe) from the Fallout 1/2/Tactics.