Vat dipped, grown and still oozing with perfection
Hello everyone,
Today I wish to initiate the exploration of a luxury we take for granted today; in a scenario such as the Fallout wasteland.
Imagine if you can for a moment that someone, out in the far reaches (or not so far) of the blasted landscape has managed to start manufacturing television sets for general public use. Because of the reintroduction of this pre-war tech; new programs, commercials, and public service announcements begin to flood the airwaves. (This topic has no relation to Fallout 4's settlement TV's, but feel free to include Fallout 4 material if you do so choose.)
What kind of shows, advertisements, and PSA's do you think would populate the available channels?
(Please feel free to give your renditions or pitch your very own ideas.)
Could the programs be heavily influenced by factions, beliefs, or potentially greedy individuals?
What kind of interesting dynamic would this mean for the denizens of the local where this is available?
Or could this be a scenario where the Television is mostly used as a pacification device for early warnings of attacks or for law enforcement?
I greatly enjoyed the Fallout 2 pre boxing match advertisements the ring announcer would orate before the blood started flying. I was always rather curious to know what the TV commercials would have looked like.
Bear in mind this is a universe completely without censor or broadcasting rules, which of course programmers are completely free to broadcast anything from completely harmless shows to literal murders or other debauchery. (Within lore acceptable limitations of course.)
As this is a exploration, and not a debate I ask those participating to refrain from engaging in inflammatory remarks that are not related to the question(s) being discussed. Having said that; I encourage everyone to express their thoughts in any manner they choose.
Considering that most individuals who frequent this site tend to be a bit more intelligent than the run of the mill internet passer by, I'm expecting some very interesting ideas.
Today I wish to initiate the exploration of a luxury we take for granted today; in a scenario such as the Fallout wasteland.
Imagine if you can for a moment that someone, out in the far reaches (or not so far) of the blasted landscape has managed to start manufacturing television sets for general public use. Because of the reintroduction of this pre-war tech; new programs, commercials, and public service announcements begin to flood the airwaves. (This topic has no relation to Fallout 4's settlement TV's, but feel free to include Fallout 4 material if you do so choose.)
What kind of shows, advertisements, and PSA's do you think would populate the available channels?
(Please feel free to give your renditions or pitch your very own ideas.)
Could the programs be heavily influenced by factions, beliefs, or potentially greedy individuals?
What kind of interesting dynamic would this mean for the denizens of the local where this is available?
Or could this be a scenario where the Television is mostly used as a pacification device for early warnings of attacks or for law enforcement?
I greatly enjoyed the Fallout 2 pre boxing match advertisements the ring announcer would orate before the blood started flying. I was always rather curious to know what the TV commercials would have looked like.
Bear in mind this is a universe completely without censor or broadcasting rules, which of course programmers are completely free to broadcast anything from completely harmless shows to literal murders or other debauchery. (Within lore acceptable limitations of course.)
As this is a exploration, and not a debate I ask those participating to refrain from engaging in inflammatory remarks that are not related to the question(s) being discussed. Having said that; I encourage everyone to express their thoughts in any manner they choose.
Considering that most individuals who frequent this site tend to be a bit more intelligent than the run of the mill internet passer by, I'm expecting some very interesting ideas.