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  • Bladerunner was really good. The kind of movie that we need more of. Go watch it.
    The poet believes this proves that what he saw was real and finds meaning in life. He then discovers the article had a misprint and the woman had actually seen a Mountain.
    This in turn makes him realize life has no meaning which is why it can have any meaning you want.
    Deleted member 93956
    Hm, interesting. I did watch it pretty damn late in the night to watch it in VOSE.
    So that Hat in time game... I am guessing people are nostalgic about PS2 Shoelware now?
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    It's not a Banjo game (though I'm one of those weird people who though Nuts & Bolts, with the exception of the Logbox level, had the best art direction in the series) but it's still pretty good looking.
    Maybe on the concept art because all the models look very ugly.
    Deleted member 93956
    Don't know, it looks pretty charming and it's very varied. Every world has an offshoot level with different gameplay and also the main bosses are great.
    The take out guy tells me he called 3 times but I never got any calls, got in a min iargument, Phone then goes oh 3 missed calls by the way
    Batman doesn't kill criminals, they just die from the wounds inflicted by him a few days later, or get paralyzed for life.
    Especially with the Arkham games. Batman doesn't kill, the environment and surroundings kill.
    Batman doesn't kill people, batarangs kill people!
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    I was at the arcade the other day playing that weird Batman driving game. My mom's all like "Wow! Look at all those non-lethal explosions! And those non-lethal miniguns!"
    "Hello I need to make a block that has custom made function on the page you gave us and I need it explained through phone" True Story.
    I couldn't deal with a job like that...
    These people also tell you they found things to correct on monday, you ask them to send them to you right away then they proceed to only send ONE THING (even tho they phrase it as Multiple important issues they need solved) at 6 pm on Friday and then complain because It's not ready on saturday despite being told we only work on weekdays.
    I would really go nuts if I had to work where those things happen.
    I have to praise you for your patience and force of will.
    Darth Vader has his whole body scarred, Kylo Ren has a CYBER BAND AID to cover a cut on his cheek.
    Looked passable.
    It's pretty funny.
    When Carrie Fisher appears and he is about to shoot Leia to prove her that "It is not a phase, mom" I started snickering. I bet they had to redit a lot after her passing.
    Remember, even the most obvious use of sarcasm will look like an honest message to some idiot.
    Because the world is filled with sarcastic idiots.
    People don't like when you moralize their hobby? Let's redouble on that! That will not perpetuate the toxicity of the community!
    Dragon Ball just pulled the biggest asspull in the history of anal extraction. The people at Toei must have Distented anuses right now.
    Buu never showed that power before hand.
    He did. Then Gotenks attempted to do it and did it too.
    No he didn't. It was just an ass pull. With no explanation. At least super tried giving an explanation to its bullshit
    Youtube Algorythm: Hey wanna watch this E-drama video about the channel you are watching?
    Then people wonder why youtube is so horrible now.
    Why do all Diaper ads always have a woman kissing or slapping a naked baby's ass? The fetish of someone at the top?
    Another day another engineer who scoffs at my work because they are dipshits and I have to provem wrong right on the spot with my skills.
    Well at least work has thaught me to be able to get on a motherfucker's face when they are being dipshits and fucking up the project because of their own egos.
    If "unncesesarily difficult" is gonna become hip with reviewers, maybe we should make "unecessarily easy" viral to counter it?
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    Reactions: Jogre
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    And just because the game was made for little kids doesn't mean it has to be designed so that "people who love a good challenge and people with the hand-eye coordination of a blobfish can enjoy the game." It's all about knowing your audience well, and stick to it till the end.
    People who think Cuphead looks too hard have never played a Japanese Bullet hell game.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    I can't talk about Cuphead, but from what I've seen, it looks pretty fair despite being somewhat difficult.
    Wow Fuller House is just... fucking awful, I was expecting dumb cheesiness like the original but this just... agressively unfunny.
    Would it matter if I am not into wrestling or the 80s at all?
    No. I was never big into wrestling. The series stands on it's own, seperate from wrestling fandom, as a comedy. And being set in the 80s is almost irrelevant apart from the occasional reference to 80s things. It's not "hey remembe the 80s? Remember this?" It's just set there.
    I honestly thought the original was funny if your brain was turned off while watching it. The first three seasons were okay, but nothing to write home about. The show took a massive nosedive in season 4 (when Michelle was becoming increasingly untolerable when she started talking - which she did back in Season 2).

    Boy Meets World was a much better TGIF show, and GMW might actually be better than Fuller House.
    So are the constant Creation Club updates a direct attempt by bethesda to fuck up Script Extenders?
    You can't sue a company over weapond mods or paint decals...
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Yeah, sadly one can't sue a company who own the assets. And there's also no law of protecting creativity and originality, as was Autumn Leaves case.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @Risewild the more I think about it, the more insidious it seems now that they forcefully push CC out. Breaking F4SE over and over again could mean that modders would literally quit modding Fallout 4, but that doesn't mean anything now because they've got modders who signed contract with them for CC. I just hope console audience can see the bullshit and realize they aren't getting the better mods any sooner...
    When did Harley Quinn having just a stylized Harlequin suit become some form of taboo?
    Her name is an artifact now. She doesn't even look like a Harlequin just like some tryhard cosplay amalgamation.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    That's where most people are getting pissed off. When the SJWs are saying the sexy suit is more appropriate for a character, you know the current outfit is just wrong.

    To play Devil's advocate, though, there are a lot of characters whose names are artifacts. Robin, for instance, does not look like a bird. Iron Man's suit is not made of iron. Thor is no longer the Norse god of thunder.
    In the Telltale game she is just straight up a bike chick on heels with a domino mask. They did away with the twintails but then she is just a blonde chick in a leather corset who just happens to be called Harley Quinn.
    Holy shit. A tragedy what happened in Vegas.
    One of the really bad ones. Guy's dad was on the FBI's most wanted in the 70's. but aside from that the shooter had no record.
    It's really unsettling, honestly. Like no record, no bad claims. Just what happened? No mentally stable person would suddenly do this out of nowhere, yet there's no track of breadcrumbs except for the dad.
    Well it's obvious that guy wasn't stable. Mental illness could be the cause, like the clocktower sniper.
    Rick and Morty season finale was rather weak. Didn't feel like a season finale at all.
    It works best when Rick and Morty are the focus. Imagine that.
    Apparently some of the new writers come from robot Chicken. Definetly explains all the gore and overly long action sequences.
    Oof. Robot chicken is trash. We're lucky this season was actually decent.
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