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  • Bojack Horseman is truly every single story about a drunk hedonist that has ever existed. Nothing new, bold or interesting to see.
    Great now my second hard drive with less than 4 months of use is also crapping up out of nowhere...
    Fallout 4 already suffers from being too combat oriented and very little questing, so FROST sounds like the opposite of a fix for that.
    It's also extremely monotonous as the Healing is slow even out of combat, most times you will just stand there waiting for the full health fill in even tho nothing is attacking you from anywhere. And the Damage multipliers on enemies don't really work as I found lots of bullet sponges even early on.
    I always found what little improvements there were to the comabt the more enjoyable part of Fallout 4. Do you really want more focus on quests and story in a bethesda Fallout game? Isn't there enough cringe already? :p
    Well the Tales of the COmmonwealth quests are kind of fun.
    Yeah, who wants new talent? just stay with the same old ones, they'll never die ever.
    I think you are looking at it from an extremelyh narrowminded angle and getting too hung up on race. The film industry needs more people of different races and walks of life.
    When you see things like #OscarsSoWhite I get mad because it is a childish way of looking at an issue. People have good ideas all the time that get neglected as such in the music industry. I think it is shitty but better ways we can use to fix issues. Black person or a white person isn't going to have this amazing thing just because their skin colour is different or whatever.
    So you are getting hung up on race. Stop thinking about issues through twitter hashtags. Will make you lots of good. Twitter is the shittiest website, it enables rampant strawmaning and tribalism.
    The admins should put a captcha combined with a basic Quiz on Fallout 1 lore for new users, we would get less spambots.
    But you'd also need to make sure you couldn't find the answers on the wiki, just in case any noobs show up too.
    Here's an easier question: do you prefer New Vegas or 3?
    Or alternatively: does Fallout 1 exist? Some Bethtards still don't know.
    At least someone looking up the answers in a Wiki would indicate they are human and not spambots.
    There is a twitch channel that is playing Persona 5 and translating it as they play because one of the hosts is from japan.
    At least the government doesn't have transparent walls on their facilities.
    They have the reverse issue of a lack of transparency.
    Doesn't that just scream "GAME OF THE YEUURRR!!!!" To you guys? Just throw your progress to the trash and hope it doesn't happen again...
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    Reactions: CT Phipps
    That little bit more effort it takes to install mods for Fallout 4 aren't worth the hassle.
    I don't even have 50 mods on this thing, My old New Vegas set up was like 145 mods.
    Deleted member 93956
    Mine had 201. No wonder that when I cleaned it out my drive it weighted 50 gigs (virtual installs included)
    "There is unfortunately no known fix for this issue so far. The only way to circumvent this is by starting a New Game and hope for the best"
    To mod extra perks into FO4 they need to be made into consumables. So janky. That perk chart is the dumbest shit they ever did.
    You could shoot someone because you want their wallet and have no major feelings either way against them.
    Directed at a particular group of people as their motivator like say, shooting someone for their political beliefs and such.
    No, lots of crimes are indiscriminate... Like stealing something, bribing an official, coning a bunch of people, they don't involve hate
    So Takashi Miike is gonna direct a live action Jojo movie. I hope it's at least hilariously bad.
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