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  • What I saw was that he criticized the new movie and had a bit where he shits all over Lucas and Abrahams.
    All the core players where white with a token black guy who acts ridiculous to serve as comedic relief. I
    People say the "forced diversity" in TFA was why it was bad. But people seem to ignore most of the non white characters where background.
    I maintain the reason it was bad is the universe didn't progress at all in like 30 years neither did the characters really. I actually liked kylo ren tbh. Too much fan service rehashed story with two brand new Mary sues. No thanks.
    The Japanese glue the writters are smelling before getting to their job must be pure Toad venom mixed in with Ethanol...
    Dragon Ball Super manages to get even more retarded every week. It's kind of impressive.
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    Reactions: CaptJ
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    I know a couple'a guys in my school who are into Dragon Ball...I'll have to ask them about this 'Dragon Ball super'.

    Anyway it does have a good score.
    I am guessing Hollywood now takes their scripts from Deviant Art and Fanfiction.net...
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    @CerberusGate I really hate this current trend of constant reboots.

    Film exec:"I know, instead of taking a risk with something original and daring that could become something treasured and remembered for generations, let's instead green light a shitty remake that totally misunderstands what the original was about and just do a half-arsed job and cash in on the nostalgia idiots."
    As long as P.T Barnum remains correct about suckers, we'll never run out of these half-arsed reboots.
    Lol I've read some waaay better fanfics than what Hollywood has put out in a while
    The party leading the vote against the peace treaty is imploding as one of the members admited to dirty tactics in swaying the vote.
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    Reactions: CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    Yeah, the corruption and dirty politics on display was expected but went beyond even the usual levels.
    Damn, I really can't bring myself to give a shit about the quest in Heart of Stone.... I wish all the character would just fuck off.
    wtf i hate the witcher 3 now

    But seriously if it's not your cup of tea don't force yourself to play it. Blood and Wine might be better for you, it adds a ton of new contracts/side quests.
    Well I paid for it so I will finish it.
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