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  • At one point the gaming press obssesed too much with innovation over actually doing things right. And today's gaming is the result of it.
    Most are a bunch of fake hispter trash that shouldn't even be in the industry to begin with. They excell at pretending to be pro-consumer, yet they just dick ride publishers and shamefully sellout.
    Hey the core mario games are still good. But we do need more Plataformers that aren't collectathons.
    Holy Shit this Twinsanity thing is just fucking awful, unskippable cutscenes on a Crash game?
    Crash Landed sounded interesting. Too bad all Crash is nowadays is a shitty toy for Skylanders...
    I met someone who is the webmaster for a gov't site who doesn't know how to go to the "my documents" folder...
    Did the US Presidential Run really get trolled with the fucking Pepe meme?
    You just noticed that? That's been going on for a while.
    Well not being an US citizen I mostly just find out about this things after they happen.
    Mr. Necrosis
    Mr. Necrosis
    It has happened a few times, but came back up recently. The sad part is this is not the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th time its come up. The people complaining about it always fall for it every time.
    I am guessing everyone in the commonwealth is a super vegan and they just keep Brahmins as pets.
    Well this is a game where if you kill a cow on a settlement you own everyone tries to kill you...
    This is a game where a companion can't enter power armor if they're standing directly in front of it because... Wait for it... "They can't get there".
    Is Heart of Stone just new quests on the vanilla map? Kind of disappointing.
    It extends the Velen/Novigrad map. Pretty sure it adds more land north of Novigrad and a few more villages east of Velen. The story/characters/quests make up for it though.
    Its narrative and lore patch for the base game, its enganging and the atmosphere that surround the main villain is just superb
    basically if you are one of those people that prefer the Crone of swamp instead of wild hunt as main villain, you know what i mean
    Hell, Little Todd even admited the dialogue and leveling were a failure and Nuka World even forced references to 2 and New Vegas.
    So did No Man's Sky and Resident Evil 6. Not to mention FO4 is the worst reviewed Fallout game.
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