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  • Is it just me or is Witcher's 3 Falling damage a little finicky? I've died more times to ill conceived jumps than to Monsters.
    I hope Pokemon Go's success doesn't affect the main games...
    In Witcher 3 you make more money from selling crap rthan from ridding a Mayor settlement from a giant demon.
    and thre didn't seem to be a way to complete it so it failed when I got to Whoreson jr. with Radovid's help.
    The only quest I've failed was the Cleaver one, Geralt always backed out of furthr dialogue with both options.
    Thanks to Steamsales I was able to introduce my Nephew to the PC Master Race. Now he is counting the days till the next sale...
    The amount of shit to do on The Witcher 3 is pretty overwhelming. I exit the game exhausted.
    My favorite feature of FO4 companions is their magical skills to disappear at random. It's like I am traveling with Gandalf or my dad (?)
    Or creepy Watson, as Codsworth loves to magically appear behind the player.
    That's why we go to wars and why the economical crisis keep happening. It's not a generation thing, is a human ego thing.
    I've never gotten into GOT, Witcher 3 is the first thing medieval themed I have cared about in like 5 years.
    Indeed, I am 20 hours in and I am still solving the Bloody Baron (fuck that guy) quest because I keep running into actual content.
    There's actually more to the story than that. Not going into it to avoid spoilers but it adds complexity to the surface story.
    I don't really have any sympathy on my being for drunken abusers, real or fictional. I don't think it detracts from the story but don't expect me to like the bucket of lard.
    Fair enough. The game does acknowledge that the Baron is a horrible person for his actions but there are layers to the Baron's story which I do appreciate from a writing perspective. It's a well-written story-line to say the least. Far superior than anything Emil could conceive.
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