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  • I can't rally say much, I'v never been a fan of Kojima or the Metal Gear Solid series.
    The Searching for Ciri thing might be a transparent an uninteresting plot device, but the quests in between are soooo gooood.
    I wish the Ciri flashbacks had a cheesy Wave effect and a harp sound whenever they start.
    One thing I didn't lik, was how I just wanted Ciri to be nice to Skjall, but the game took it as me wanting to fuck him...
    Also, I can't take how hilariousthe Rock Trolls are, they are like giant retarded children who can't speak the language.
    Would it need to be a porn parody? Witchr 3 has plenty of on screen fucking. Maybemake it more explicit?
    I would hav a problm if I didn't actively make a rule for me to not play it on weekdays.
    Did a Fallout mobile pone just release on PC? Fallout is truly dead, officialy.
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    Reactions: CerberusGate
    To be fair, Fallout Shelter is the superior game to Fallout 4.
    Eh, fo4 is more fun but overall I'd say yeah shelter has less negative qualities.
    Gotta agree with Vergil and R.Graves. Shelter is better than 4 in many ways (plus no overpriced DLC stuff packs, just optional micro-transactions).
    Some people can't seem able to do anything but cause uncalled for conflict when colaboration is paramount to reach a goal.
    Just when you are back to enjoying your job, the same shitty person who made you consider quitting does it harder...
    Use the range finder to kill Kimball and NPCs in Freeside will have a unique bark for that.
    Why is R.Graves liking my status en masse? dude, I appreciate thethought but it's getting a bit creepy.
    Eh sorry. I was going through lots of people's old status posts (for I was bored yea) you just post a lotta content I like.
    Wouldn't a coo and a hum from such a gigantic creature sound more ominous and intimidating tho? Like a living curch organ or something.
    Fallout 4 was just a dull thud that we didn't even get anything beyond the first wave of apologist fanboys...
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