Recent content by ZooDiac_CZ

  1. Z

    Residue trailer

    Independent Online Cinema today released their fan movie Hunt for Gollum (LOTR inspired, very good btw), and released trailer for their next project, which is called Residue. Its supposed to be futuristic thriller, and imo its gonna be good. Independent Online Cinema website -...
  2. Z

    Project V13 statistics

    On the IPLY forum Chris Taylor posted statistics about their V13wiki, which they're using for internal control of design and documentation. Chris said
  3. Z

    Buy the originals!

    about a week ago here in czech republic, ive bought white label edition (fo1, fo2, fo:tactics + bonus material) and it cost cca 10 dollars.
  4. Z

    The Vault competition

    did it in 5 clicks, 4 seems impossible to me
  5. Z

    Fallen Angel Episode 1

    it has its own website, with pretty picture
  6. Z

    Fallout 3 hits Steam

    if you cant download it, here you go click on button with text Stáhnout