No Mutants Allowed

FO4 would have been best suited as a DLC for FO3, to just tie up that idiotic "teaser" in Rivet City with the robot+railroad story arch there. Just a Boston location, akin to "The Pitt" and just mow down robots, and maybe have stupid-dad make some comeback there, as a robot clone time traveller "OMG :O"
Cobra Commander
Cobra Commander
I desagree.
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
Even if you judge Fallout 4 just on it's own, without looking at it trough the 'This-is-a-Fallout-game' glasses, it is objectivelly speaking just a game with mediocre gameplay and bad role play.
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
Workshop system for guns and settlement building were two features I thought could be developed better but fit well with the fallout series
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
Then go and play Minecraft.
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
Yes, because as we all know, ideas popularized by one game can never spread beyond that single game.
Weapon modding was pretty meh in 4 imo. Most upgrades acted as stat increases, and I can only remember the chain-wrapped minigun as a melee weapon being anything that stood out becauase of the system. I'd rather the game worked off the system in NV, where upgrades actually do shit beyond [RANGE + 30] [HIP FIRE ACCURACY -50]
Settlements were hot garbage though, only really liked it in the Vault add-on. Besides your brainless Sims not functioning properly most of the time, the fact that most everything you can build is rickety old shit that looks more at home in some granny's bayou shack.
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
If the mechanic you 'popularize' takes away from the core aspects of the game, then no it shouldn't spread. Do you want Fallout to be a 'Fallout' game or just the collection of the most popular mechanics? Then let Fallout 5 be a clone of League of Legends because that's currently the most popular one.
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
I do not hate settlement mechanics or crafting as a mechanic for it self, but what does it REALLY add to the Fallout game in the end? What does it do, to enrich the core aspects of Fallout? Absolutely nothing. Bethesda introcuded the mechanic in the most shallow way imaginable.
The whole settlement thing just takes away from "civilization rebuilding itself by the hands of many". Instead it's just the PC building everything on his/her own.
"After I whip up a new defence grid, I can build this aqueduct. Where is my son, my baby boy Shaun? He is my one goal in this life. Shaun would love these Robots I'm working on."
Honestly? I like Fanfic 4. Less as a mainstream Fallout game and more as an FPS spin-off, because it fails as an RPG. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have fun playing it. Crucify me if you wish, and I probably deserve it for both my real life sins and the sin of enjoying 4, but I’ll defend the fact that 4 was at least fun until the day I die; which will likely be soon as one of you lovely people get a hold of me.
What I’m trying to say is that 4 should’ve died, but it lived and I’m making the most of it. I hate it as a Fallout game but like it as a video game at least. I can enjoy it, even while I fucking hate myself while I play it. Kinda like my smoking habit.
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
First of all I’m not defending Shaun. In fact, if I could, I would definitely have aborted the little shit. I’m saying the mechanics were interesting and though not executed well, could potentially work in the future.
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
In the same way that Fallout 3 introduced the 3D world to Fallout, and NV improved upon the changes.
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
And with some mods installed, it can be a much better game
If the game cannot stand on its own merit without mental gymnastics or mods, it deserves to be shat on.
@Ayelander I’m def not saying that it doesn’t deserve to be shat on, I’m just saying that sometimes fun things are also fun to shat on. Case and point: hookers.
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.