I'm chock full of my mind, dude - tonight I had nightmares inside nightmares, and as you might know, a month ago I had a random seizure, which also included insane mind-shows. Not to mention having toyed around with acid, mushrooms as well as solvents (FUN!) in the past
I will never truly recommend, but huffing ether beats any ammount of LSD or psilocybin. Dunno why, too scared to find out. Today I treat it like a been-there-done-that, and stick to muh weed
My nightmares are usually "subtle", because I don't get chased or eaten or killed or stuff (that is, I *do* get killed and eaten sometimes, but the dreams are more curious than scary) - my nightmares tend to be... creeping, heavy, uneventful - but dark and creepy in my own way.
Tonight, for example - I simply dreamt about having been evicted, as well as all my earthly belongings seized. The dream stressed me a lot, and included rage-moments inside the dream. Other times, they're just... areas, places, "an evil" that surrounds me.
I love hearing about dreams. Maybe post one in the dream thread? Especially creepy ones. I'm good at giving dream advice . No magic or god stuff either. Most are visualization techniques that help to combat negative dreams. Also learning to have a lucid dream helps to control them.
That evil is there because of your disdain for all these religious fucks. The rest is that standard stressed to the max dream shit. I dreamed of my roof leaking and falling apart recently since it is leaking and falling apart.
Imo if you are exposed to this religious fear it lodges in your subconscious. You hate it thus it is there. Anyway sorry for diverting your post.
No prob, I'm in the middle of writing, and inspiration comes from everywhere. Your input, like I said, is appreciated!
It occurs to me Atheists will have a much easier time crossing over since they already know they will cease to exist, but they don't believe in the part after. Even Occultists fear losing their Ego. Food for thought. Keep on keeping on.
As for everything Toront said: I fear nothing except decaf coffee. Not because I'm overly religious or anything, more because regardless of whether an afterlife or reincarnation or nothing at all awaits me, I'm a "let things happen" kinda guy. Fuck it, you know?
Toronto, do you happen to believe in the noosphere or something similar to it? I've always found the idea of it very interesting. And yes zegh post more in the dream thread. I used to be really into reading about dreams and what people think they mean. Dreams are something else.
Huffing ether is fucking nuts, and you can get that stuff at the drugstore for next to nothing. Bad for the lungs, though, and that aftertaste is just ugh. I did it a couple of times and always threw up afterwards.
My very last I had a legit "near death" bad-trip, where I could feel and hear my heart beat faster and faster, untill the beat-rate equalled a loud, whistling propellar-noise, which I understood even in the haze of it was simply not fucking possible. I then spat blood, and thought "yeah, that's that. enough of this."
I'm going with not at all. It doesn't even last long or feel okay.
It's what poor people do when they can't get drugs. I know a guy that was on whip its real bad that eventually killed himself by driving into a tree.
Interesting story that one. The old woman that lived across the street from where he wrecked thought she saw him climb down out of the tree and walk away. When the cops got there she asked where he went and they said he died instantly. She died a week later.