lol some kremlin cuck bot "norwegian" suggested Norway probably should have immediately surrendered in WW2 as well, that's what the military is for, to just immediately surrender and thus - save more lives
I often think of people describing scientists as "ivory tower" types, and just now i asked a dino-question, and got 2 highly respected researchers to respond
Some American is telling me Norway is flowing over with the homeless, after misunderstanding how to sort a list on Wikipedia by number instead of alphabetical order
If a youtube video about a subject looks interesting, I wiki the subject, and read about it instead. Way quicker, no stupid "ominous music" or nasal narrations.
There's an egg-ad that just drops "up untill now we've been killing millions of male baby chickens" before happily pivoting to "we're going to stop doing that!"
My new magpies are gangster magpies, but I still love them. They are slowly coming to understand my role as amicable, although they are still on edge (stupid idiots)
lol wtf I wish I could reply to ads, like - testosteron? are you kidding me? you fucking insult me to my face, then want my patronage? also - lol @ advertising testosteron, then using a dickless ken-doll CG model to show the results.